Our Yellow Submarine was created in May 2016, inspired by the IIPSGP Trident Seminar that was held in June 2016. Harmony's Garden has been continuously evolving since the seeds germinated
Yellow Submarine?
Hashtags for inspiration, if you dont see it, make it!
#Culture #Storytelling #VisualMedia ARTS #OpenAirConcerts
#DesignforMUSIC #MovingSPACE #HarmonyTIME
#NuclearWeapons #Conflict #War
#PeacePractice #Fellowship #Humanity
Castle of Muses, myths, legends and seeds for collaboration 2020
This video also features on the tab for Ronit Shefi, under 'AV Collabrations', but the notion of '21st century' or 'modern day' muse arose from associations with IIPSGP (when it was in Scotland) in 2016.
Hashtags for inspiration, if you dont see it, make it!
#avatars #women #philosophy #CastleofMuse
#education #culture #myths #history #legends
#ModernDayMuse #21stCenturyMuse
Our use of visual art was inspired by Dr. Thomas Clough Daffern's order of libraries, which are organised around the mythic theme 9 philosophical 'muse', to raise awareness of IIPSGP's missions in conflict resolution and peace education.