I'm sure that many definitions of love can be given. But pushing aside the things that we may whim for as a palatable delicacy or phasing trend in fashion or friendship, there's a deeper and eternal form of love.
The love expressed in this digital art piece is one of protection, care and nurturing. The message is intended to give the feeling of truly caring about someone, or something. In this case it is mothers and a rose tinted notion that love never dies. But notions can be tinted by perception, or how we judge something to be 'this' or 'that' e.g. good/bad, fat/thin, happy sad etc.
LOVE: Angel, Mother, Rose Lady
Considering all of our judgements about how something or someone should be, we can tune out of the mental chatter and listen to our heart. There's a difference between what our head tells us and what our heart tells us. There's a force that's greater than us, unseen, untouched, unheard but felt. A force that is experienced beyond all of the five senses in our physical body. I have felt this force the most strongly after experiencing overwhelming emotion, when others in my environment have been hurtful or not in tune with their heart. Indeed I have been known to react, there's a fiery dragon within us all. But when faced with a choice, rather than react to trollish behaviour and harassment, I'd much rather help a child or care for their creative imagination. I'm also open to help adults, which is why you'll always find lots of creatuvity around me (Google my name).
Some schools of thought say that the beat of the heart pounds in tune with the Cosmos. I certainly believe that beyond the chattering mind and biased judgements a force of love exists, a force that binds us all as one humanity. A force that is eternal, echoing long after the season's petals have dropped and preserved with the an un-conditionality that bids us to serve.
My children and grandchildren have never ceased to find ways to be safely creative, over the years. Our home may still be in the process of coming to order, but arts and crafts have been a way of nurturing beyond the food that fills the stomach, or the hugs that say 'I care'. Creative nurturing allows the greater part of who we are to develop, that is the mind. If I can't always be an angel, it doesn't mean to say I stop being a mother or a lady. Neither are gender specific, in my view, we can all be caring and nurturing towards others.
If you'd like to use any of my artwork (shown on this site and around the Internet), for your own creative pursuit/s, please ask.
My contact details are at the bottom of this page.
Signing off my blog for July 2014, I'll post again as soon as the blogging field re-opens.
Isabella Wesoly Time Is ART
Angel, Mother, Rose Lady & Children
ART of Clouds blog entry 25th April 2014
Over the past few years I've created many art forms from clouds. What I see is down to my own perception, in that I will often see things that relate to my own circumstances. Some schools of thought see this as connecting to our sub-conscious mind, but to me it's art. However, sometimes I can also see a story unfold.
The current story concerns things in life that are best released, especially those things that don't serve us. Some people cling on so tightly to other people, which can be suffocating for the person at the receiving end. Today I witnessed a friend in mental suffering over some tortuous effort by another person who just can't let go of my friend. We are all much greater than who we think we are, but can never get to the fullness of this greatness untill we simply let go, move on and experience life more fully.
I am certain that my friend can cope with this situation and also that there was no point intervening.
Sometimes the interference of another person simply adds to drama. It's best to leave all that to soap operas! So I simply let go of my concern and trusted that the way forward for anyone becomes clear when we value the things we have in life, rather than fear what we feel we may be losing. Nothing's ever lost, in the bigger picture of life there's always something to be grateful for.
The image above shows what I saw in a recent cloud. It's turned sideways, because sometime life shifts. But as I looked straight at it, I saw a lion gazing at the sun (shown below).
What do you see? Write to me at the email below, or contact me on Facebook.
Here's the sleeping lion, who found serenity when it turned around.
ART of MARKS on MIRRORED GLASS blog entry 13th April 2014
Following on from my blog of 25th March 2014, on the 'ART of Words and Pictures', I’ve come to the conclusion that the finger marks must be my own.
I have long wavy hair, so perhaps I just saw myself in the mirror. Some say my hair ‘needs a cut’, but I’ve made a pledge not to cut it. It’s a very personal and somewhat spiritual reason why I do not wish to cut my long hair just now, perhaps never. Its length has grown to my waist, so my back is covered when my hair is down.
I have had to learn to cover my back, for there are some who choose to throw spears of negative judgement. Being a very sensitive soul I have felt this judgement and at times regarding myself and people I have known/read about. I have been in a quandary about why some people choose to stir up problems for others, but accept that people make choices. Some of the choices we make help and some hinder ourselves and/or the people that we cast judgement upon. It is my own choice whether I wish to entertain, in my mind, the malicious intent of others. My choice is clearly to think about what I want, rather than what I do not want. This is a precious gift, which we all have even though we may not all use it.
CHOICE is a gift of spirit, as far as our mind is concerned. In Britain we are fortunate, as democracy permits an openness about beliefs and these may be easily expressed in conversation, the arts, religious dogma, etc. It is not so in some parts of the world, which is perhaps why some cultures have developed their own systems of underground resistance. But I don’t feel that everything we read in the news or some publications are totally truthful, as political agendas are all too often behind the bad mouthing of ‘others’.
It seems to me that some members of the so-called ‘civilised’ world believe that by making others look 'bad' they make themselves look 'good' in the process. It is no wonder that the numbers at polling booths are in decline in the UK, there seems to be a lack of faith in the political system. Politics is supposed to be about people, but year on year we see media coverage on the seemingly corrupt habits of those who are supposed to be upstanding, honest governors for the country.
Rarely do I look at newspapers these days, the effect that they have on the mind is subtly manipulative. We can all make a choice about whether to read and believe, or read and dismiss. I’d rather read about good news, e.g. scientific breakthroughs, educational developments (especially in the field of the arts) and cultural fusion.
WINDOWS: The eyes in our head are said to be ‘the windows to the soul’ and, according to historical accounts, was stated by Cicero, Shakespeare and Matthew’s Gospel (Chapter 6 verse 22), amongst many others. Perhaps it is true that whatever we see through our eyes reflects what is deep within us, hopes, dreams, desires, even fears. We have a choice whether to think in faith or not, but the wind hole of the eye/s either lets information in or sends information out. I believe both are true.
Have you ever spoken to someone who doesn’t look you in the eye? How do you feel about that person? Do you feel they could be hiding something, or not being completely open with you? Perhaps they have done something that they feel ashamed of, but the willingness to be truthful is more clearly seen when the eyes of others are communicating an openness. That is not to say that every person who looks us straight in the eye is being honest, I have come across bare face liars who can do this easily and those people are insincere actors who deep down simply reflect their own fears about honesty. Perhaps some have this fear due to their hidden agendas, I really don’t know but it’s our choice whether to interact in open, honest ways or not.
The law of cause and effect can teach us wisdom, for if we’ve walked the paths of dishonesty or witnessed it with others we may also see how discontentment can become a part of life. We all have a choice about being wise, even if it means having to go through painful experiences again and again to know for sure.
RIGHT HAND: It feels as if I’m doing a dream analysis now, in a way it is for what I saw in the mirrored glass is largely down to what information my brain has already processed. However, the term ‘Right Hand of God’ is said to be a reference to Archangel Michael, whose domain is said to be in the East where the Sun rises. So I’ll keep my windows open in the morning, as the Sun gifts us a new day, every day and take the wisdom from the thorny paths in certain faith that the spears of fowlers are laid to rest now.
The first piece of glass that I used is surely reflecting back the discordant energies that were directed this way and is secured with a red cross, upon which my faith is certain. I don’t think I need to make art with the impressions but I will craft my skills in ways that serve. I can and do mirror my craft to teach others how to make good use of their hands, mind and time.
Would you like to see the mirrored glass now?
ART of HO'OPONOPONO blog entry 31st March 2014
I learned this word a few years ago, I'd forgotten to say it to all challenging situations. It is a beautiful word that sounds out a truth and holds the energy of letting go of painful memories. Sometimes we may be feeling unsupported in a time of great need, but it is a cross we all can bear when we forgive and let go.
Whichever direction we choose, this word unties the worries and obsessions in our physical life. It is:
it means I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you
ART of Words and Pictures blog entry 25th March 2014
I've been doing my best to keep focused on the important things in life, both my family and working life. I stepped out last week to attend a Key Person of Influence workshop and like Daniel Priestley's approach to building up the core components of a business. I have considered doing the KPI programme but in all honesty I feel that the retail side of my business lost it's footing after I slipped on a wet floor at the end of 2011 (and seemed to shift into many a state!). I've made some efforts to start again, but it's been quite a challenge. The cold weather gets to my injured left shoulder and hinders me in many respects.
Often I wish I could step into the pictures of those beautiful places I've come to know in Andalusia, the weather is much more temperate there and I love the windy, sunny coasts along that part of the Mediterranean. Perhaps the time will come, one day, it's still close in my heart. But there's lots to do with words and pictures that keeps me busy for now.
Today I needed a small piece of mirrored glass, just one piece, but my favourite glazier cut me three pieces. I made my intended use of one of them and as I went to put the other two aside for future use, noticed that the finger/thumb marks on the glass formed impressions.
I took photos of the two extra pieces and in one of the pieces it seemed like there was a man, with his right arm raised to his mouth. Also a female with long wavy hair, as if she was walking by and aware of the man watching her. I've captured a photo of these impressions, but after I did a window-like shape seemed to appear on the surface of the third piece. I will work further on these finger/thumb print impressions, perhaps there's a story to develop with them about the man looking through a window and watching the wavy haired woman walk by, wondering. Well, that's how my eyes saw them. Sometimes, often in fact, I wonder if what I see relates to something real or is it just my imagination?
Over the last week I'd created a third presentation on Slideshare and feel I am getting the gist of working with this new way of sharing information. The three presentations can be viewed by clicking on each of the images below, I hope that if you view them and like them you'll click on the little heart button, which lets me and others know they're liked. I never know who's liked my work on Slideshare, but I'm happy to know that some people like my work there.
Here are my Slideshare presentations, perhaps next month I will publish what I saw in the mirror.
The ART of Slideshare blog entry 26th February 2014
Now that you know I'm still blogging, I hope you're enjoying the creative ideas and peculiar facts that I post on Facebook. I say 'facts' but in this world nothing ever seems set in stone, apart from the fact that the Sun rises each morning and the Moon renews its light every 28/29 days.
I've been in deep and meaningful discussions on Linked-In lately, within a group called 'Creative Writers & Designers'. Having achieved a status of 'Top Contributor' in the discussions had added to a sense of self-value. Over time I've found that quite a few people don't understand where I'm coming from, or what I mean. This is often to do with perception, knowledge and indeed interest. However, as you may realise, anything to do with creativity or mystical notions draws me into focus. It's through being encouraged to interact more 'with luminaries', by Dr. Ali Anani and GramaKeshava Ananthram, that I've immersed fully into the subject of 'emotions' that are fully appreciated via personal experiences. With their encouragement I started a new discussion on 'Creating faith in textual and visual design'.
New doors open up to new chambers of thinking, where ideas and notions merge with the abstract expressions that have been woven into my artsitic ouevre. It's these thinking and sharing chambers that add additional meaning to my craft, for an idea that is shared expands.
You may wish to check out my first slideshare, entitled 'Colour, Emotions and Faith' where digital ideas develop through feelings, numbers and the motions of mind.
Click on Istaria's left shoulder (above right)* for Slideshare
or the Facebook logo (below)
to keep in the flow with my kind of harmony.
I'm currently researching 'complexity' and 'emergence', as encouraged by Dr. Anani, so expect to see another presentation added in the coming days. You can still follow me on Facebook, where you can also reply to whatever I post publicly. But if you like sharing constructive ideas do check me out on Slideshare.
* Istaria is the name chosen for the main character in my 'Beyond the Ebb-stream' chapters, a story of moving through mental and emotional states, inspired by life's experience.
The ART of keeping up blog entry 15th January 2014
It's been two months since I blogged on 'In My Eye', but it's not because I don't want to share with you. I love sharing good news but there's a task I have to keep focused on right now.
You can keep up with me on Facebook, where you can also reply to whatever I post publicly.
Click on the Facebook logo, right, to keep up.
click on the eye for 2013 blogs
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