Following studies in BA (Hons) in Humanities, Diploma in Vibrational Medicine, Angel TherapyŽ and other Spiritually inclined subjects, Isabella Wesoly set up Is Harmony as a means to bring about a balance to individuals, in their emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
It has been proven that when harmony exists within these subtle bodies, the likelihood of disease at the physical level is diminished.
Peace and relaxation is activated by bringing harmony to the senses.
When we consider our sense of hearing, smell, sight, touch, as well as our thought, this harmony can be brought about via
MUSIC (audial senses),
INCENSE (sense of smell),
and other ornamental objects, such as
ANGELS (touch and thought) and ESOTERIC BOOKS (sense of thought).
Each item on sale is carefully selected from the wholesaler, with consideration for the aspects of harmony it has to offer.
The store and auctions are updated continuously and every effort is made to secure ongoing supplies of available items.
Is Harmony may has jewellery making items in stock, such as gemstone, glass and acrylic/resin beads/pendants.
Isabella can enable her teaching skills here to a degree, with 'tips of the trade' included in the listing. These items will be listed in the 'Crafts' aisle of Is Harmony, or 'Special Offers'. The harmonzing aspect exists here in the process of creating art and design work.
Is (Isabella), came to understand the importance of harmony in life after a personal upheaval, which left her determined to heal herself. She initially found many books that helped, and through a series of events and links with other people/organizations, followed a path of study where healing was the key issue.
From making flower essences from her garden, she began selling via Health/Holistic Fairs and Psychic Fairs and soon expanded stocks to include a range of items that have helped people she has known, met, been 'found' by, as well as her personally.
Is Harmony is a regular seller at Psychic Events, in the West London area. With 5 children and divorced, there was a need to drop the selling venues that were some distance from her home and family, and eBay became the perfect replacement there.
To see what's 'in store' for your Mind, Body, Spirit requirements, please visit
Isabella has taught visual arts to young and old alike, in the past, including mural making. Her first mural contract won 1st Prize in a national competition, the Dulux Community Project Awards.
Isabella is qualified as follows:
- BA (Honours) Humanities
- Dip.Iris (Vibrational Medicine)
- City & Guilds 7307 (Adult & Further Education)
- BTEC Public Administration Part I
- Reiki I & II Certificates
- Certificate in Spiritual Awareness
- Certificate in Tarot Reading
- Angel Therapy Practitioner
Isabella has won awards with in 2003 and 2004
she finds much wisdom in life
which she expresses in words as poetry
has had several poems published
and is
included in
'Who's Who in Poetry' for 2005
* * *
Isabella is a Master Practitioner at
the International Wheel of Colour (IWOC)