ART of New Realities blog entry 15th November 2013
A return journey to Casares in Spain opened up some new realities as October shifted into November 2013. In a peculiar way this was also the case earlier this year when visiting La Duquesa where we met with a little dog just like our Lola, who passed away just over a year ago. The dog we met was the same, but different and my daughter was even more charmed than I was at the likeness of our new canine friend to Lola.
There was something of the little 'jewel' of a villa that we stayed at that reminded me of a place that will alway remain special in my heart. A heavy wooden front door, which opened onto a wide hallway with a dresser to the right. It was the same but different. From the doorway we could see the sea, between the two rows of apartments. We had many a walk on the beach, where the air is fresh and clean. Very different from where I live.
Just over a year ago I had visited a friend in another part of Spain, where the layout of the street and nearby shops was the same but different to our home and local shops. I had noticed something like this years ago with another friend's home, which was so similar to the home of a girlfiend from many, many years ago. I guess it's just one of life's mysteries, but it did lead me to chart out the course of significant places in my life (past and present). For example the house where I grew up, which by strange coincidence is directly East from where I live now. Then there was the little grocery shop at 194 Acton Lane, which was the same but different to another place that that became quite significant in my creative passion for art.
Some schools of thought say there are 'no coincidences', perhaps everything becomes a new reality. So there's some deep thinking for you to ponder on.
I'm wondering about my door number now, it's 15. Perhaps one day, if and when I move on from here, I'll live at a number fifteen in Casares. Who knows? life sure is full of mysteries! I will certainly return there one day/soon.
We found a second horse riding stables in Manilva, called 'Riding Fun in the Sun' and for the first time ever I went on a cross country hack with my daughter. The views across this part of Manilva were spectacular, we could even see Gibraltar in the far distance. On the second visit to the stables my daughter joined a group of experienced riders, while I stayed behind sketching the horses and the view towards Gibraltar. We were very fortunate to have been offered a lift from the president of Pena Caballista de Manilva, for which we remain in gratitude.
Here are some photos (below) of our new realities, including the exercise machines that are the same, but different from, those in our local park. Today I stepped fully into this new reality and had a good work out there. The machines in Marina de Casares must have been a test run!
There's another photo beneath these of me and my daughter, with others in the group, on the way back from our cross country trek. This was a new reality for sure!
Aldea beach and a dog like Lola
Our home for 9 days
Exercise machines in Marina de Casares
Horse riding in Casares, Spain
view to Gibraltar from Riding Fun in the Sun
Mural by my son, referred to in this blog
ART of Positive Changes blog entry 11th September 2013
Last week I was reading through the notes I'd written up from a book called Creative Economies (how people make money from ideas) and came across a quote by Bob Geldof:
'Life is a combination of impatience and discipline'
In a certain way I suppose we must experience a level of impatience to get on a route to discipline. The artists that I've met along this path called 'life' have mostly been disciplined and sometimes impatient, in fact this is the case with many people I've known. I'm sure Sir Bob G has experienced both along his own life path, especially on Mondays! But I love Monday, it's always the start of a new working week and begins well if I've cleared my email caches of spam the previous week. My week always flows well if it's cleared ahead of time when Monday comes. I have to be very disciplined about this, but admit to having 248 unread emails in just one cache! I always skim the titles, just in case there's something urgent to read.
It's been a positive change clearing through a paperwork mountain (again). It was starting feel like I was growing a tree in my living room, there was a very high pile until I stepped fully into 'order mode' regarding a project I've been working on for a few years. I had to get through this paper pile to locate a particular notebook that I needed to draw vital information from. Little did I know that, whilst sipping my fourth cup of coffee outside O'Reilley's in the marina at Gibraltar last year, the notes I was writing would end up buried for a period of time. I'm glad I am disciplined enough to remain focused on positive changes, both now and in the past. I haven't always been patient admittedly but positive change is something I take seriously and act upon, whererever I'm able to. Glad to say that visitors may choose any seat in my living room now, even if the painting isn't quite done.
My living room is almost all lilac now, apart from the colourful mural that looks like shards of coloured glass floating in the chimney breast! I'm getting there, bit by bit, with our changing living space and staying patient with it all. It's a positive change to sit there and relax. A very disciplined effort from my younger son brought me one wall that's completely done, while I withdrew to the Brecon Beacons recently (retrieving my sanity) and I know for certain that he was patient, as there was not a drop of paint spilled anywhere (humour).
One email that I'd received from a fellow artist, who works in the musical field marked another positive change. I met Robert Lane when he was doing a lunchtime performance at OPEN Ealing Arts Centre, in the Springtime of 2012 when it was at 113 Uxbridge Road, Ealing in West London.* It's always great to hear from Robert and I'm including his recent email here, because it's news of positive change that must (in my own honest opinion) be shared.
* OPEN Ealing is currently in a pop-up shop at 13 Drayton Green Road, West Ealing, London W13 0NG
How are you, enjoying the summer? Here's the latest news from me...
Latest News
Between the 10th and 17th of August I was one of 15 very lucky song writers to be invited to take part in a course held by Kinks front man Ray Davies and poet Marion Wells at Dartington International Summer School, Devon. I had a really amazing, inspiring experience there. Ray Davies is on of my greatest heroes, and I am unable to express how important the time I spent discussing song writing with him has been to me. The course consisted of a number of song writing tasks and during the week I wrote six new songs and was involved in the co writing of about three more. As well as the invaluable time and feedback I received from Ray and Marion I feel really privileged to have met, played and written with a number of very talented musicians from all over the world. A truly mind blowing week.
At the moment I am taking part in Tell Me About Your Ex, a brand new piece of Verbatim theatre made up of stories submitted by members of the public. I'm working with a really talented cast, writer and director and having a ball. I'm doing some acting and various musical bits. The show changes each night as new stories are submitted by the audience. It's running until the 7th of September at The Old Joint Stock, Birmingham.
Once the show has finished its run I'm getting back to play some solo gigs, details to follow soon.
Below are links to my Facebook Page and Twitter account, please like/follow if you use those websites!
Thanks again, hope to see you at a gig soon,
As I told Robert :
'Ray Davies huh? you lucky thing!'
Of course Robert Lane's more than a 'thing', I was just too impatient to type 'you disciplined and smart working musician, who's worth bopping to all day long' (more humour)
But I was being very disciplined with the re-grown paperwork mountain after all!
but before I sign off, I also had positive news from another (local to Ealing) musician called 'Lefty', whose latest album is on both iTunes and Amazon! Lefty and his co-musician mates are featured in my 'Urban Prophets' page, on this website.
One of Lefty's YouTube videos is also below, so you're getting double sounds with positive changes !!
A long arm to reach high!
ART of Unity blog entry 15th August 2013
There's a certain flow happening with me, at last!
I've been developing further chapters of my Istaria Stories after a long period of feeling 'stuck' in certain areas, pretty much like the character in my story. A sense of unity was witnessed recently, after some emotional overload swayed me off centre. It's not just women who gets these moments, but less about the stress and more about the force that helps. It was quite endearing to witness family and friends gather around in unity, as the acceptable and non-acceptable were placed either side of a boundary line.
Life can be affected by what we allow or what we resist, it's our choice to do either. But if we're really going to make sense of doubts and confusions (fear), we can always ask ourselves 'why am I in this situation right now.. is there something I've missed, forgotten or just abandoned?
Is it just a case of shifting our mindset?
Perhaps, but that's not always as easy as some preach.
If we are surrounded by people who are hooked into behaviour or habits that we wish to give up, we may find a major quest on our hands. That's what I like about the word 'unity', we could remember that we're in this world together and co-operate to mutual benefit. Is co-operation just a case of shifting our mind set? Naploeon Hills states 'the only thing we have complete control over is our mind'. However, knowing where the mind actually is may help, so for today's blog let's get back to 'unity'.
In my newest chapter in the Istaria Stories a shift occured from using a sub-title called 'Into the Ebb-stream' to 'Beyond the Ebb-stream'. The newest story distinctly suggests moving on and, in a very peculiar way, that's just how life is right now.. a flowing stream.
There's a force of unity that certainly helps!
Click on the image (above) to find out how you can read my newest chapter for free.
This song called 'Smooth' by Sanatna & Rob Thomas just came to my mind vibes, as it did when creating some the images from 'Unity Dragon'. A perfect note to end on in my (third) eye.
ART of E-Books blog entry 26th July 2013
This week has seen a fair few storms, including some emotional outbursts. It took a determined focus to stay with what was planned for the week and part of that was to publish a work that could be purchased as a download. The work has taken several years to create, several months to put together and several days to format as an e-book. It's live now, I hope you enjoy browsing the pages and taking a different perspective with my first E book, which is called Ways of Seeing. It's the first issue from my 'Time Is ART' series. I'm trusting you to buy the download now, after gathering, harnessing and releasing so much creative passion for ART.
It's for you! and it's only £5
Click on either image below to find out more/buy the ebook
click on Oak/Acorn or Sun/Sky
ART of Planetary Trines blog entry 18th July 2013
Today I've been working on a Cosmic theme, as a continuation of one of the collections of images that I've been developing. This particluar collection has charted my feelings about the fairly recent changes taking place in the Cosmos, eg. increase in solar flares (also called coronary mass ejections), or the positioning of certain planets. In my workings of creatively transforming formless into form, I often end up perceiving subject matter that's related to current public affairs or events (sometimes drama!) in my personal life.
Side tracking can easily happen while I'm creating imagery, in the sense that I'm working on one thing and suddenly another image is seen within the pixels. If they're compelling enough the forms that I see lead me into a completely new image. The force that compels me to shifts sideways with my art forms is sometimes a thought, sometimes a feeling. As I considered placing three planet images in a triangle I wondered what positions the planets in our solar system were in just now. On discovering an article on the Internet that referred to a `twin-grand-trine’ it felt as if I was tuning in to a much bigger beyond, from 2012. In Manis blog Astrology, Art, Magic, Esoterica he states that a '`twin-grand-trine of planets about to occur between 17th -20th July 2013' .*
As I worked the original imagery (of planets in a triangle) further, the pixels showed me a long robed female figure holding a baby, plus a relaxed and seated male in the foreground. I checked online again, to see if the Duchess of Cambridge had given birth, no news to be read yet.
Here's where I got to with today's meandering thoughts, hope you appreciate the content and colours:
The Royal baby's entry into the world could be perceived as coming through a magical triangle, if you're an out-of-the-box thinker like me. I've purposely shaped an area, around the blue coloured male subject, to look like an egg. The feminine mother figure with child expresses the notion that life springs forth from an egg, moving on from the feelings that inspired my previous blog's artwork.
I don't know what this planet 'stuff' all means, I've always had peculiar reservations about astrology, but creatively speaking knowledge of what's happening on an outer level helps me to make sense (for you) of my sometimes abstract/often expressionist skills and talents.
I'm a sensitively conceptual 'skywalker' soul who makes form from the formless..
Cosmic Trine Baby
ART of Golden Eggs & Lilac blog entry 1st July 2013
I've been busy mixing paint, not just the wet stuff but digital pixel paint as well. Last week was spent working towards a particular shade of lilac and a test has been made on a wall in my home. Soon I'll begin painting boards, from the salvaging quest of 2011 to 2012. Our living room is getting some of it too. It's quite different mixing digital paint, as it is possible to take a colour out of the mix. It's not possible to do that with real paint. I'm working on achieving a mixture of varying skin tones for the image below. Some of the characters are very blue right now, but the truer shades are becoming!
The working draft image (below) is from my 'Into the Ebb Stream' story and relates to the golden egg that the main character discovered, at her feet, after her trusted companion disappeared. As she wills herself forward on her quest, re-balancing her feelings, this emotional lady meets an 'egg man' who guides her through the ethics of clean energy. After several months of using his excellent grooming skills he too disappears, with many golden eggs. She was not the only one who got 'sucked in'.
As the 'egg man' totally departs from his conscience, he follows a hunch into a night club, where he tries to barter his sackload. What do you think he'd exchange the golden eggs for? Email me with your thoughts. If you want to see my ideal shade of lilac, check out my Facebook posts for last week.
I haven't completely let go of blogging, there's always something 'colourful' going on in life
and every picture tells a story
ART of Letting Go blog entry 2nd June 2013
Did you ever feel as if you were standing at a cross road, wondering which route to take? Life is a bit like this right now, there are several things I can do in the various challenges faced. But how do we really know when we're choosing the 'best' route? Do the people we interact with along the way make a difference in the genuine support they give? Do we all end up in the same place regardless of which route we choose on this journey called 'life'? The people that we meet certainly make a difference, especially if they have an impact on us at mental/emotional levels. I'm contemplating this very deeply right now.
So many questions to ask, I know I'm not alone in asking them.
For a while at least I'm letting go, of this blog, of certain plans and dreams plus working away at my computer. Life can be rigid with expectation, so you may get a surprise one day as I can't give a date to return. I don't know, but my 'cyber pen' will certainly be flowing in the Acton pages and the arty connections I've established in and around the town I grew up. There's lots on this website to read and hopefully enjoy, while I contemplate the turning of tides and the blessings of states of uncertainty.
Here's the latest piece of digital art I'm working on. It's cryptic, but in life I've cetainly found there's more to any person, place or situation that meets the mortal eye. If you see anything 'creepy' or 'spooky' I suggest that you too practice the habit of letting go. There's only 'spooky/creepy' in our mind, reality is far beyond the physical or fearful thinking.
The title of this unfinished digital artwork was inspired by cloud forms and mental/emotional states.
'Universal Outways: Scales of Justice Hook Running Rogues at Dawn'
Universal Outways
.. and this is the present state of becoming (working draft number 6):
'Universal Outways: Scales of Justice Hook Running Rogues at Dawn, VI'
click on image to enlarge
ART of Wisdom blog entry 27th May 2013
Last week I had a wisdom tooth pulled out and it led me to wonder do we gain more wisdom when these teeth come in or go out? It was certainly painful before it was extracted and I feel all the wiser for having it removed.
Sometimes I gaze at the clouds and see shapes, faces, creatures and if I'm quick enough with the camera I take photographs and play around with the pixels. I can often see a way through some issue that might be going on in my life and last week's gazing did bring a level of wisdom to my mind.
It's been a while since I've felt free and easy movement in my left arm and my story-telling head had gone into an illusion of some force gripping my arm, preventing me from moving forward with certain goals. It can be very unwise to get into mindsets like this, as so easily we can get further drawn into the illusion. Therefore the wisest thing I could do about this illusory feeling was to change the meaning and become a force myself, a force which is releasing the grip and supported by some super-hero-like energy from the Mighty Cosmic.
I've found it quite therepeutic as art can be. Here's the cloud and my transformation process:
ART of Muddah Hubbah blog entry 19th May 2013
I've just read about another asteroid that's moving through the Cosmos. I had a thought about this, why do news reports so often say that this cosmic matter is 'heading' or 'hurling' towards planet Earth? There's a bigger picture to look at, the Cosmos is grander than grand after all.
Many year ago it was incorrectly determined that the Sun moved aound the Earth, then science showed that the Earth rotated the Sun in a new/re-hashed theory.
Theories change and by its very nature science always has to be proven. However, theories will always change because change is inevitable, and as sure as technology advances scientist find new ways of measuring, assessing, determining probability etc. scientist will formulate new theories.
I'm no scientist, but I admit to being a 'deep thinker', this moves me to art, including the oil and acrylic cosmic design/image that at painted while in residence at OPEN Ealing art studios in 2011/12 (as shown here). It must be a truth that there are always asteroids in certain parts of the cosmos at any given time.
In the course of planet Earth's movement in outer space it is bound to pass through what I'd like to call 'rocks and stones'. Okay, they're more than just pieces of rock, but they do 'live' up there. Space is their home, it's quite natural for them to be out there. this planet crosses their path now and then. It is said that the last time our planet passed through this particular part of the Cosmos was thousands of years ago, possibly 260,000 or so years. It's incredible to think of that amount of time, but what standard is time measured by?
Do we look back at the future now or at future times in a balancing act? Hopefully the world's proverbially levelling out now, and no more need to (in the words of John Osborne, I almost typed George!), 'look back in anger'.
It's always about 'now' from my view, what's past is passed and the spirit of creativity within us all can be constructive within our communities. A reference to the Hopi prophesy rings true in a peculiar way.
"The central theme of the kachina.. is the presence of life in all objects that fill the universe. Everything has an essence or a life force.."
A timely juncture to tell you about my recently opened Zazzle shop called 'IntoSpace'. Just click on the cosmic mother image here (above) to read more about this exciting new store, or check out a range of my design prints on Zazzle's merchandise. A digitally enhanced version of my 'muddah huba' image is available on laptop bags, as well as mobile phone covers, stationery, household items, t-shirts, pet wear and more.
Do you ever wonder what it is that you really want in life? Do you like the freedom of being your own person and navigating life's courses according to your own actions or decisions? It can seem like a dream to some to get this in reality, but drumming to the tune of our own drum is possible when we tune into our heart. All too easily we can listen to the chatter in our head, even to things we have learned in illusions or what we've observed during life's course. We might listen to other people who are eager to tell us what they 'think' or 'feel', we might follow the crowd and be 'one of the lads/lasses or we may even just shut ourselves away and let fear prevent us from making realistic goals. There's something about the nature and function of the heart that offers a solution. Ask yourself 'what's really in my heart?' for a clue.
The heart has four chambers, which in my eye is a system, or 'holding tanks'* providing a stop point between heart beats. Our blood flows in, then out, circulating our body, returning to these four chambers again and repeating the process. There's an analogy in my view of this process that tells me that we get out of life exactly what we put into it. I guess you may have to think a little deeper here, so okay the brain is important too. But did you know that there are 3 parts to our brain? I bet you're curious now! Let me tell you that these three parts are important for knowing whether we are moving to the tune of your own heart beat or not. There are schools of thought that consider that the pumping of the human heart is connected to the eternal throb of the Cosmos and the inner beat of the Earth's core. There's a connection between what we do, what we think and what we feel. The connections may affect what we get in life. This is how I see it in my mind's eye especially after reading a book, that is bound for success, from Amazon!
Daniel Priestley's book Entrepreneur Revolution is aimed at entrepreneurs, but if you're like me you'll see wider possibilites and applications for what's included in the book. We all have an inner builder, but how well we connect with it is determined by how much we open our mind to it. In a business sense this is an 'entrepreneur', which is the same part of our mind that steps out of what keeps us locked in fear, failure or forgetting who we are deep within. A two-way flow of energy matters too.
We're all here to build a better world after all, one where we build bridges and share in common causes for the well-being of life on this planet. I'm sure Daniel won't mind me using his new book to make a point, for whilst Entrepreneur Revolution applies to business owners and innovators it also applies to the wider spheres of life. If we let our head rule our heart we must know about the three parts that Daniel has identified in his book and consider what part of our head we're living in right now. Through this understanding we can determine which direction to go for a more successful life.
The following is adapted from Chapter 4 of Daniel Priestley's book Entrepreneur Revolution:
Concerns immeditate survival, with little or no effort. Levels of apathy exists here, so if you really like a woman go tell her/chase her! she may just catch what you throw out of your mind, in between taking your chance on lucky dip scratch cards and gambled chances. You don't have to throw in the towel because you feel your golfing is never going to be an ideal par, or if your ideal job feels too far away to reach, or your team is bottom of the league and you haven't scored a goal this season. Apathy or a can't be bothered attitude is what Daniel Priestley refers to as 'reptilian' . YouTube may show you some very interesting or very peculiar videos of how some schools of thought see reptilians, but I see much sense in Daniel Preistley's perspective.
These people live like monkeys, repeating tasks day in day out, same time, same channel/route. Emotions are the living domain, where nothing goes beyond happy/sad, anger/empathy or fleeting moments of excitement or intimacy. When we get stuck to drama glue and shreiking to the tune of what naysayers think or harpies heckle with, it's time to evolve out of our monkey brain and connect with the greater part of who we are.
If you've shifted through the brain portals of the lower two parts of the brain you love the world and care for it and its inhabitants in a positive way. When fully engaged here we consider cause and effect, eg. if I do XYZ today, how will affect the future? In a business sense this means devise strategy and Daniel Priestley has given the fuller term of 'empire builder' to this more highly developed part of the brain. From my own view however, the word 'empire' can also apply to the greater qualities of our life, e.g. who we are successfully establishing meaningful relationships with, or how we are serving others and not just the ego/self.
So for example if you've made a decision to open your heart to the lady you secretly adore, don't do it after a few beers with the lads. I'm sure ladies love to be taken out, so plan a date. As you make a strategy, perhaps also consider how foolish you may feel the day after burbling non-sensibles from a tipsy head over the phone or at a door. On the other hand if it's your golf that's in need of improvment, don't keep telling yourself 'I can't do it' but feel the inner force that drives your balls up the green. It's not just your swing is it?
Lessons in life are valuable, as Tony Robbins has said 'there's no failures.. only results', i.e. the result of any action determines whether there's more to do/learn or whether you have the mark of mastery in a particular area. Everything expands into a lesson of learning as we gain insight from the past or fables, myths, legends, moral codes, etc. Life is a journey, if we want to make life better than it is, I know for certain that we must consider ourself as well as others.
Back to the heart, we can emulate the outward/inward blood flow via giving/receiving. If you want a better life then connect with your brain's builder and act from your heart by giving the best of you! ♥
Next on my reading list is chapter 5 of Entrepreneur Revolution, it is called:
Entrepreneur Revolution by Daniel Priestley is available on Amazon, at:
My blogs are getting fewer and further between, as time is spent adapting to changes here in my home and in the work I do. There's always work to do, always something to blog about, time either allows it or it doesn't. We can all make time to do the things we enjoy doing and today I see more opportunities locally for communities to be creative.
The high street is changing, I see evidence of this in Acton and West Ealing in West London. Both were once thriving places, now gone are branches of Woolworth's and Wimpy bars, places where I recall gathering with friends during my youth. Times change, technological advances make this so, but it's not with sadness that I look back on those days. I don't wish for them now, for today I see changes for the better, especially in arts provision.
Art has always moved me to emotion, emotions have always moved me to art. This has been the case regardless of what's in the high street, it has also been the case regardless of economic circumstances. Money doesn't drive talent, passion does and it's certainly a refreshing change to witness others stepping into creative mode. Moreso that they have platforms for expression, where audiences can observe and appreciate.
Last year Acton high street was positively marked with the presence of the W3 Gallery. It has become quite a hub of activity with art exhibitions, public debates and discussions. This is clear evidence of change within communities. Likewise the opportunity for wider arts provision arose when A2 Dominion loaned a building out, allowing OPEN Ealing* to emerge. OPEN has moved on from the 5 storey buidling along the A4020 (Uxbridge Road) in West Ealing, but they're still finding space to share what's new and changing in the arts.
The change is upon us, Time is ART
What are you doing with your time?
* OPEN Ealing recently announced that they're moving into a 'pop up shop in West Ealing'. To keep in touch with what's going on there click on the link below. I've also included a link for W3 Gallery on Facebook and hope you'll find time to support both as life adapts with changes.
ART of Kandinsky blog entry 28th April 2013
Did you ever look at something, be it a person, place or situtation, and see a field of possibilities? In life I often find that things are never as they seem. Perhaps this is why I feel that Russian born Wassily Kandinsky's abstract expressions are worthy of a blog entry this week.
I've included a video (below) from YouTube member 'eddysun55', which exhibits several of Kandinsky's artworks from the early 20th century. Kandinsky expressed his feelings in an abstract way by considering the musical tone and is regarded as 'father' to modern/abstract art. His quest for looking at life in a different way could also have been influenced by the depressed economy, that followed hostile attempts for dominance in Europe, after the turn of the 20th century.* Certainly music assisted Wassily Kandinsky, for there's a clear connection between the 7 notes on a musical scale and the 7 colours of the spectrum.
*I've avoided stating 'first world war' or 'WWI' on purpose, parts of the known world were not in conflict at this time.
In his essay of 4th March 2013 'eddysun55' refers to the word 'atonality' with regard to the revolutions that took place in 'both music and art'. The word 'atonality' refers to a the break in tonality within a composition of music or visual art and 'eddysun55' has chosen the perfect artists to demonstrate this, in Wassily Kandinsky and Arnold Schönberg. I'm no expert in the field of music, even though I love to both listen and dance to most sounds. There is a parallel, in terms of structure and content, between the works of both artists and as 'eddysun55' states:
'They knew each other and have possibly influenced their works reciprocally. The video is an attempt to evince this intriguing 'connection' between music and painting'.
Kandinsky formulated an idea called 'Synesthesia in his essay called 'On the Spiritual in Art'', whilst he was a member of a group called 'The Blue Rider' ("Der Blaue Reiter") in the early 20th century. In addition to the spiritual in art the group explored the freedom of expression that came to be known as 'abstract'. Each of these ideas have influenced my own work in the past and in more recent years I began to use the term 'form in the formless', when creating visual imagery that was constructed digitally or with beads. However, my fellow contemporary artist friend Ray Stroud has also been influential in freehand abstract drawing forms through his series of pen and ink drawings of the late 20th century.
During my time teaching drawing methods one of the classes involved playing an unknown piece of music to my students, so that they could feel the musical vibration and express it as a picture. For example a musical composition called 'Snowflakes are Dancing' by Tomita was played. Here I found all of the class sensed the movement of water within the music and expressed this as a two dimensional visual. If I had said to the class 'I want you to create a drawing that expresses the feeling of water' I wonder if they'd have struggled with it or just drawn a tap/faucet, rain, or even a river. The idea was to get the class to express an idea or feeling in an abstract way, that is without being objective and music (without vocals) permits a non-objectivity. Each student created different whirls, lines or shapes through their sensory impulses, but each one expressed the same sense of moving water within their images.
Art embraces a wide range of skills and talent through various media where different beliefs, perceptions and expressions can be adopted. In the case of visual art it's not just about effective draftsmanship skills, where a like for like image is created from subject matter, but also capturing a feeling and expressing it. As Tony Robbins emphasises in his life coaching work 'time is an emotional state', I agree with him. If an emotion can't be turned around to a better state of being it surely can be released through expression, in a non-objective way, through expressive art forms like music and drawing/painting. Kandinsky showed me that there's more to life than form, for there's far greater in the formless.
Here's a recent composition of mine, which was created after listening to a series of solfeggio frequencies on YouTube, over a few weeks (at the time I was balancing several emotions disturbed by a few of life's challenges). I've photographed and mirrored the art work to create a proportionally balanced design. The original piece is almost all tiny, bright glass beads, with a touch of oil paint diluted in spirit. I've named it 'Estepona Dancing' and influences include Kandinsky and beyond the spiritual in art.
'Estepona Dancing II' glass bead art by Isabella Wesoly
'Estepona Dancing I (One)' original, click to enlarge
The ART of Fooling Around blog entry 22nd April 2013
Did you ever get totally fooled, or worse get a hunch that something didn't sit right but still go along wth it? Like someone telling you news that you really didn't want to hear, or (as in this case) telling you something that you was so pleased to read about that you simply wanted to share it?
The very evening that I was preparing to fly out to La Duquesa in southern Spain, I received an email from Daniel Priestley. We were on a countdown here, with only a few hours to go before our 5:45am flight. Packed, passports ready, wooly hats to leave and sun hats to arrive, plus boarding passes done. I'd printed our departure and return boarding slips onto one A4 sheet of paper, doing a teensy (buy worthy) bit for ecology. The exchange rate gave me more paper though! with 1.15 euros to the pound sterling.
I still had time to blog before we left for Gatwick, so I blogged on the latest 'news' from KPI (Key Person of Influence) direct from 'the horses mouth' Daniel Priestley. Daniel has now been warned that he's going to get a hearty 'slap' from me in June when I see him. This is what I've just read from Daniel, an email that slipped out of view in the mountain of mail I returned to, electronic and 'snail mail' (slow stuff):
Dear Isabella,
On April 1st, we sent the news of a recent "court case win in Geneva" where we had successfully claimed the term "KPI" exclusively as our own.
This was of course a prank in the spirit of April Fools day. We thought we better come clean as we are still receiving emails from people who are mostly congratulating us but some who have been quite confused by it all. Apologies for any confusion caused. Naturally we don't want to stop "key people of influence" from achieving their "key performance indicators". On the contrary, we think KPIs are exactly the type of people who often exceed their KPIs regularly.
Daniel Priestley
Now I'm wondering where I can get a huge hand from because mine are not big. Daniel needs a big slap on the back! All in the 'best possible taste' and accepting that I am Daniel's fool for 2013.
Australian humour, fnaarrr.. har-har harrr! (Is is gonna get you back O Daniel Priestley!!)
One up to you Daniel..
and to all 'key performance indicator' persons:
Keep Calm and Carry on Counting
Perhaps more people will be able to afford to buy or rent an empty property in Spain soon, the prices are almost at rock bottom as millions of homes lay empty there. I wasn't fooling around when I photographed these views from La Duquesa and surrounding areas, sincerely hoping that the Spanish government work something out with whoever is in housing need right now. Not many people have the funds to purchase homes, even after dropping in value to less than half their original prices. In my view of this situation the setting up of housing corporations/associations there could alleviate more than the money crisis. Spain needs a solution, as does Cyprus and certainly the current housing situation in Britain. If I had the funds I'd certainly consider either.
I'd be a fool not to.
It look like it could be a long haul before Spain gets on a level again, but if even half a million families/people in the UK moved into those empty properties*, it would surely ease the current UK housing crisis and boost the Spanish economy (assuming that each family/person is going to consume foodstuffs, get their children and even themselves educated, furnish their homes, engage in sports/entertainment, etc).
*in February 2013 a post in an expat forum stated:
Current number of empty houses in Spain estimated to be 3 million.
The hunch? I've shifted back to the KPI of Daniel Priestley and his 'innocent' bit of fooling around. A gut feeling came when I read 'Geneva', I don't know why, but I had it. Casting it aside wasn't just because Daniel Priestley is trusted, it was also because anyone can tell me most things and I'm open enough to believe them. I take information into the field of creativity, blog included. I'm so glad it was good news that Daniel Priestley fooled me with.
Geneva huh?
Girl in a valley
ART of Entertaiment blog entry 20th April 2013
Technology today allows us to create our own entertainment, I find these demo battles hilarious and it's all done in the best possible taste (as the late Kenny Everett would say).
Many thanks for sharing this street style art to Chris Legionnaire Lefty:
DEMO BATTLES - Hulk Vs Liquid
ART of Elder blog entry 18th March 2013
Did you ever look at branches and see shapes or letters? I often look at the Elder tree in my garden absorbing messages from her. Just now the leaves filling the spaces between and around the branches, as you can see here on the right. I can see a cross in a square, a heart with a diamond in it, a very large Woodpecker, a sad old man and an arch. Every one of these 'illusions' have a meaning to me and I'm sure that you too would see some significance in them with regard to your own life. Life is all about perspectives, things are never really how they appear (especially if you read the tabloids!). Elder trees have served us in different ways across the ages. The close grained wood of Elder trees was once used for fishing rods, shoemaker's pegs, mathematical instruments and hair combs. Even today hollow sticks of Elder can easily be adapted into whistles and blow-pipes, making them great fun for children and adults alike in playing games plus making music.
click on image to enlarge
Folklore carries stories of superstition about trees, with regard to the Elder it is said that permission should be sought from the spirit of the tree before taking any of of its parts. Some lores go deeper than this suggesting that an array of misfortunes are bestowed upon those who don't respectfully request. The healing properties of Elder are plentiful, which isn't a surprise as every part of the tree has a use. Amongst natural healing circles it is referred to as 'the Queen of Herbs'*, here's a summary of some of the curative properties of the Elder tree:
ELDER FLOWERS: sudorific, diuretic, febrifuge, anti-rheumatic and to an extent anodyne because of their ability to allay pain and offer a cooling effect. Elder flowers offer relief to bronchial catarrh, bronchitis, eruptive fever (eg,scarlet fever, measles, etc), gout and rheumatism. In addition to this infusions of Elder flower have over time been used to treat head colds, laryngitis, chilblains and puffy eyes. The flower buds can be eaten too! During times of war an ointment made from Elder flowers was used to heal the wounds of horses. The flowers were also mixed with Honeysuckle to create an ointment to ease haemorrhoids.
ELDER BERRIES: aperient, emetic and dietetic, the curative properties are as the flowers with less strength in. The berries of the Elder tree are a natural laxative, when dried they have been used to make tea as a remedy for colic and diarrhoea. Also, as an infusion the fruit of the Elder is said to be good for treating headaches, colds, sciatica, madness and melancholy, as well as snake and dog bites. A syrup-like drink called 'Rob' made from elder berries has been used over time to ease bronchitis, flu, etc. and elderberry wine is noted for it's ability to treat asthma, chills and flu.
ELDER BARK: its use go back as far as Hippocrates, with uses including cleansing the stomach in cases of food poisoning.
ELDER SHOOTS: boiled and eaten to clear lungs and head of phlegm.
ELDER LEAVES: diuretic, expectorant, purgative. Leaf juice is reputed for its ability to ease eye inflammation, clear a stuffy nose.
The root was used to promote vomiting (in the case of poisoning) and for purging, although in her book Tree Wisdom, The definitive guidebook, Jacqueline Memory Paterson notes that the root of the American Elder extremely toxic. Twigs were also reputed for their ability to cure toothache warts and epilepsy, whilst the purple fungus (known as 'Jew's Ear') that grows on both Elder and Elm trees was used to treat throat problems. It feels like I have a medicine cabinet growing in my garden! though I am aware that all medical conditions should be attended to by a qualified practitioner. This blog is purely informative and is not intended to offer guidance on healing. Please see a doctor if you feel unwell.
There's less concern for those who like to use natural dyes however. Ancient Briton and Celts used elderberries as hair dye, after boiling them in wine, as recorded by Pliny. In addition a range of natural colours were used to dye wool.:
Bark & Root = BLACK
Leaves & Alum Dye = GREEN
Berries = BLUE / PURPLE
Berries & Alum = VIOLET
The green leaves worked well for me years ago when I dyed several white shoe laces for a project that I was working on. There's certainly an art within the Elder, I feel well looked after.
* 'the Queen of Herbs'
Tree Wisdom The definitive guidebook by Jacqueline Memory Paterson, published by Thorsons 1996, p.284
Many thanks to Ean Horan in Tralee (County Kerry in Eire) for gifting me the book in May 2006!
ART of KPI blog entry 2nd April 2013
It isn't a 'key performance indicator', but it was. I know someone who came to use this word with a different meaning from that which it has officially become. In an associate's time in retailing the acronym did indeed stand for how well sales persons were achieving targets on a specific goal, eg. how many pairs of socks were sold in a week by an individual. If my associate ever went back to that job they'd be hearing a new term for the same thing, though it may not be on pairs of socks! I have to be honest, it must be a very mundane task to count socks, but it's important to someone out there.
Officially the term KPI is a 'Key Person of Influence' and that's hot off the press (yesterday) from Daniel Priestley. Daniel shared good news, in which he states:
We just received word from the International Trademark Tribunal in Geneva that
the term "KPI" is now to be used exclusively to mean "Key Person of Influence"
My red hat goes off to all at KPI and I wish Daniel Priestley every success in his brand development as well as the KPI team's efforts in guiding those who seek to be influencal in their field of work. Influence matters much, it's not about twisting someone's arm or 'back scratching' (as the saying goes). Influence is about appreciating the skills we have in a particular field, having an ability to express its benefits with clarity and knowing how and where to connect with prospective customers. There's more, but I'm writing a blog and not a book! However, Daniel Priestley has written a book entitled How to Become a Key Person of Influence. I highly recommend it.
So what about those socks? you may wonder!
In the corporate sector the word 'key' will be replaced with 'critical' as 'indicator' morphs into 'metric', with performance remaining at the centre of the acronym. As corporate shifts its terminology to 'CPM' the words 'critical performance indicator' emerges, as clarity arises in relation to the "Key Person of Influence" brand.
You may also wonder 'why a red hat?' and the answer is simple, my red hat is a favourite!
p.s. As you move backwards to my blog of 1st April, I wasn't a fool to 'blog off' but I may have fooled you if you've seen it already (ha ha).
Here's a link to the offical 'Key Person of Influence' KPI
find out more about KPI
as sent to me from Daniel Priestley:
Dear Isabella,
On April 1st, we sent the news of a recent "court case win in Geneva" where we had successfully claimed the term "KPI" exclusively as our own.
This was of course a prank in the spirit of April Fools day. We thought we better come clean as we are still receiving emails from people who are mostly congratulating us but some who have been quite confused by it all. Apologies for any confusion caused. Naturally we don't want to stop "key people of influence" from achieving their "key performance indicators". On the contrary, we think KPIs are exactly the type of people who often exceed their KPIs regularly.
Daniel Priestley
The ART of Blogging Off blog entry 1st April 2013
Switch off
Play some John & Vangelis or Solfeggio beats
Back in the Real Spring, I hope you enjoy what's slowly building elsewhere on this site. I have to shift out of a certain mind-set, before I totally freeze up.
If you can, dance! Get your foot chakras working
The ART of Sanity blog entry 18th March 2013
It's a very push and pull state that many seem to be going through just now, as the Cosmos calibrates its order.
Sometimes life seems to take off in it's own direction, have you ever felt this?
Do you feel that this sort of thing can serve to remind us that regardless of who we are or what we do, there's a force of balancing that goes on? I do. Some schools of thought refer to this as 'karma' or 'karmic' and I do see sense in the belief that what we 'do, think or say' comes back to us. But I'm certain that this is to do with the Laws that govern energy, like magnetism and repulsion of which karma is a part. So maybe it's more than karma.
I'm quite sensitive to energy, from other people or the weather. The awareness of feeling something 'different' is always the first mark of some change going on. We can all be resistant to change, but the current ones are worth flowing with.
Just now I'm reading an e-book, which I found after Googling 'effect of solar flares on the physical body'. The book is affirming things that I intuitively felt, even though I cannot explain it in a measured/scientific way. Science matters.
A scientific approach is deemed necessary to fully understand human behaviour. Do you feel we'll ever fully understand it? My thanks are expressed here to the writer of this e-book, by Heather Carlini.
It is called How Solar Flares Help You To Evolve.
I'm already up to Chapter 13 'Evolution is Not an Illness'.
Some people may still think I am 'weird' and I'm glad to say that many don't, but I'm not unwell. Perhaps sometimes a little confused, but that's when I turn my attention to things like tiny dew-drops or rain-drops on a leaf and absorb something more real from the light that's reflected.. and sometimes I holler!
I wrote a poem on Saturday, states of mind and heart can lead to ART.
The Field is Auric and Fertile
If I ever lose my mind and wonder who is there to help I will look upand say
'Thank You Cosmos'
Life is a fine line
We can step this way or that way On either side is a cure On either side is a crevice
Hey Ho, there's thunder over London just now! There's ice in my garden from an earlier snowy shower. It was sunny for a while earlier, the wind has dropped. Four seasons in one day is normal, as is experiencing it internally.
The ART of Woman blog entry 8th March 2013
Last week's blog on the ART of Expansion bears a significance to this week's blog. At the 'Expand Your Brand' event (that I'd blogged on) Shaa Wasamund encouraged women to 'support' each other in their businesses. I've witnessed a few who do, but share Shaa's sentiment as I've also witnessed several who don't. Time's are changing though, there's a vast change nowadays in Britain with regard to the role of women in society. As we go further into the 'dawn' of the 21st century, there are clear signs that women are being embraced more for who they are, what they're capable of and the value that this adds to the world today. Attitudes have expanded far beyond the notion of 'men only' as the so-called 'fairer sex' increasingly rise to challenges of life. The world is shifting into gear, where balance is replacing the 'men only' notions of who should be a part of critical decision making within society, including the workplace and home. As a single mum (after some 20 years of wedlock) I certainly came to experience aspects of motherhood and fatherhood, in raising my family as a 2-in-1 parent as well as doing my best to juggle work in between. It was no easy task, but the rewards come as one by one they all step fully into adulthood and independence.
Women have rights on a humane level, which are less about gender and more about capability because there's a creative force within every woman which can be productive. Harriet Harman was quoted in the Womensgrid Network on 31st March 2011* as urging women ‘to be the engine of their own advance’ and I agree with this. However, men don't need to gather in concern about their 'manhood' being threatened, any task is best completed by whoever can meet the required knowledge, skill or talent. It's great to witness men (in some/most parts of the world) being both sympathetic an supportive to gender causes. After almost 100 years since women in the UK have been permitted to vote I'm sure that there's a heartfelt gratitude towards the suffragette movement in achieving success in their appeals, even if there were extreme challenges to face at the time. Today we can look back and see where firm foundations were set.
International Women's Day is celebrated in a variety of ways across the globe. Close to my home town in Acton, West London the West 3 Gallery is holding an exhibition called 'The Gender Agenda'. The exhibition is on until 28th March 2013 and I highly recommend visiting it. I missed the talk last week on female genital mutilation but had already learned about aspects of this in training on 'Safeguarding in Schools', in my role as Parent Governor of a local primary school.. It's a diabolical fact that this mutilation occurs in the world today, but positive action and appeal are contributing to both exposing and discouraging this practice. I sometimes wonder how the men who act out such abominations would feel if their testicles were skinned with a rusty blade and left to go putridly infected. It's a horrible thought I know, but what's gone on to young girls in some parts of Africa (and who knows where else?) proves just how sick these parts of the world are. On Facebook I found a page on women in Africa who have been celebrating the IWD event, the link is at the bottom of this page.** It gives evidence of how African women are working together to create opportunities, setting new standards for their children to follow. These victorious accounts are making their marks in history, even if some are still in an embryonic stage.
PUBLISHED 3 DAYS LATE DUE TO CONNECTIVITY ISSUES (after a 'gender angel' waved helper feathers this way)
'The Gender Agenda'
on at W3 Gallery, Acton in West London until March 28th 2013
click on the door below
click on the door to open
ART of Expansion blog entry 2nd March 2013
I love telling great stories and sharing good news. Today's blog offers news of an event that certainly tells a story.
It's the story of how your business will grow, plus it maps out the journey you'll go through to get to where and what you want. The story is based on insights gained from interviewing over 1,000 entrepreneurs.
click on my eye, for EXPAND YOUR BRAND
I've heard news about help for people who run a business, it's from a source I know and trust and want to share this news.
So, I'd like to ask you a simple question:
'What are you going to do differently in your business, in 2013?'
You see... The reason I'm asking you this very important question is I'm sure you'd like 2013 to be bigger and better than 2012. Am I right? That's exactly what I'm planning too! I'm hoping to turn my own creative ideas into work for others, but realise that I have to use the best ideas available. I know and you know that the world of business is changing fast. In order to stay ahead we must think ahead. I have always had this habit of jumping ahead in time, not so much like Dr. Who (I don't have a TARDIS), but I do jump ahead in my mind's eye.
I know that we stand on the brink of great change and that there's is a vast opportunity in Daniel Priestley's event.It's no longer enough to hear information and ideas from the 'old masters'. To take this essential leap, we need to hear something vitaland that's what the 'new masters' are developing and using.
That's why... today I'm raving today about 'Expand Your Brand' event in March 2013
To book your place...
CLICK ON MY EYE (above or below)
I look forward to seeing you at
Daniel Priestley's 'Expand Your Brand' event on 8th & 9th March 2013.
Best I, Isabella
P.S. Daniel tells me there are some great 'early bird' tickets going
I've got mine, now don't miss out on yours
click on my eye, for more on EXPAND YOUR BRAND
ART of The Past, blog entry 1st March 2013
I came across a peom I began writing in 1983, it was about my first encounter with a tower block in South Acton, called Barrie House. The block was still being built when I saw it, in fat I didn't know what it was when I first set eyes on it. Little did I know that some 15 years later I would come to live in there.
My sister Rosabella had taken me to visit a friend who lived in Charles Hocking House. Rosabella had told me of some 'great fun' that was going on where her 'friend over the bridge lived'. The video that's been shown further down in this blog, which is called 'Adventure Playground' shows Barrie House under construction, so I'm fairly certain that the 'great fun' was in the adventure playground. I don't recall making a mark on the walls shown in the video, but it certainly looks like the kids had lots of creative fun painting on them.
Over the years I've written a few about life in Acton. In 1986 I'd forwarded on eof my poems to the local councillor for Heathfield ward, who suggested I popped into the Oak Tree Community Centre and I did. This is where I met Martin Frost who was the manager of the centre. It might have been like a magical 'hand' had just walked through the door for Marti, asn had been hoping to get a Summer project set up for the kids on the estate. The small oak tree image after the poem leads to a page in this site about that mural project. It's great to see that over time that art has been a significant factor within the Acton community.
The last few lines of the poem were written 14 years after moving away from South Acton, it was a peculiar reflection on what was necessary to solve the post-1940's housing crisis. Here's the poem, with images of Barrie House pasted in from 1968, plus when I lived there in the 1980's:
click for Oak Tree Murals, South Acton 1986
Ode to Barrie House, a Parody of Wordsworth's 'Daffodils'
image with permission from Implosion World
The ART of Acton blog entry 27th Febuary 2013
West 3 Gallery in High Street, Acton is becoming a favourite spot for me to visit. It's great to see that in spite of the current economic issues we are faced with (on local, regional and global levels), that creative activities are supported.
The official name for the gallery in Acton is W3 Gallery, but some people may use the word 'west' in a search engine. Therefore I use both intermittently on this site, as well as West Three, a wide net is IS.
I would like to thank Cecile for keeping me up-to-date with the arts in Acton and W3 Gallery.
Click below for the latest word in ART, from Acton
There are so many ways we can support others and an abundance of causes the world over that benefit from an act of kindness. As we approach that time of year again, I feel that news about Comic Reliefdeserves a special mention. An email today from James Hillier at British Airways Executive Club contained news about what BA are doing to help this very worthwhile cause.
find out more about how British Airways helps world communities
The ART of Faith blog entry 8th February 2013
Did you ever get going with a project or idea only to find that something happened to lead you to change your mind? Or have you ever stopped or been stopped at a critical point in a plan and end up doing nothing? It's happened to me before, but my core beliefs didn't change. There are a few things I've put aised to take up again in the future.
At a point later in time projects and plans can still come to fruition, maybe sometimes the time is not right when we cease to progress with a plan. The core values that we hold make a difference, there must have been a belief to initiate the plan in the first place.
Does what we believe matter? I feel it does, very much in fact.
I changed the title of today's blog, it was going to be 'the art of believing' and I'd begun it on 6th February (two days ago). However a certain synchronicity came into play last night in a Facebook conversation, where another poster mentioned Alan Watts. After listening to some of Watts' recorded lectures on You Tube, I came to a point at which an injuncture was made and 'belief' was replaced by 'faith'.
Watts states that 'belief.. is merely wishing.. a fervent hope' and that it 'precludes faith'. Does it come down to our values then? I found resonance in the analogy he used about life being a 'great stream of change', where he stressed the need to let go of the rock that we may be clinging to. In faith we find that we can swim!
My dad used to always say 'it's not what I believe, it's what I know' in discussions about God (from his very scientific viewpoint). We can all learn from experience, but it seems that what my father gained from studying the periodic table was enough for him to say 'I know'. Belief matters, even if it has to be tested, eg. by measuring the force or potential of whatever it is that's believed.
The lecture by Watt brought to my mind a series of paintings I created in 1982/3. One of them repeats through this blog (and elsewhere on this website). The image is of a naked female sitting on a rock, looking out to a great water with an over-seeing eye. It's become a logo (even if it may need sharpened resolution). If that eye could speak I've total faith that it would say:
'It's time to let go and swim!'
Here's the lecture:
It appears that ownership has been claimed over part of the above video, so you will not be able to view it. But there are several Alan Watts videos on YouTube, it is never clear where 'ownership' resides.
I have no knowledge on ownership of any videos that this link leads to, but YouTube can be a valuable tool:
ART of Blue Naga Collections blog entry 26th January 2013
There's been a shift in my reality here, from applying the name 'Blue Naga Collections' to the chakra charms and jewellery that I'd designed with a fusion of skills. The hunch had been hidden by some chaotic mode that swept through life as I know it. Whilst the decision making side of my brain was in some sort of 'limbo' I've continued with image making, writing, sorting beads and the usual family dutifuls.
Creativity is where my truest passions are, but there's some paradoxical truth in the ways that inspiration comes to me. Knowing about subtle body energy changes is helpful in addressing any feelings/emotions about people, places or events and I know that everyone can benefit from an understanding of the body chakras. But even before I studied vibrational medicine in 2003/4 my patterns, rituals or habits have persisted. I tend to draw back in the face of adversity, even if I do sometimes speak my mind with a sharp tongue to adversaries. It is true that people are all essentially good deep down, but perhaps we can just forget this at times. This blog is not about other people however, it's about change. Not a change in me but a change in what or how I'm doing now with Blue Naga Collections. An aspect of this brand began to change in August 2012, after a visit to Cutty Sark in Greenwich for a British Business Club event. It then 'retreated' into a proverbial cave.
The 'cave' is a safe house, somewhere to shelter from a storm even if it's a metaphorical one. It's also a place that I find my true self and connect with something far greater than any of us are, regardless of status or stature, health or wealth. In the space of this inner sanctum I may write a poem, or create a picture in my mind. Then sometimes I story board the different perspectives. The view of whatever's going on in life is different from within this space. It's a space where things can be looked at objectively and the emotions that get out of balance are sorted.
Gestalt theorists subscribe to what's called 'the paradoxical theory of change' and means simply that in order to change, we must be who we truly are. None of us have to be how others perceive us, it's our own business to think freely and we all have the right to change our mind in a self-directed course.
Blue Naga Collections in its changed form is a truer expression of what I do, which is to create with words and pictures, i.e. make ART
Truth is a very personal thing and I know that a personal 'Genesis' arose in the floods of emotion that my feelings took me to, along this journey called 'life'. On the same day this week my garden was visited by a Crow, a Magpie, a Sparrow Finch and a Stockdove and is certainly a sign that there's dry land out there! The snow has melted, there's probably more to come but it's not going to last forever.
Something has ended, so that something else can begin.
It's not an 'end' for the chakra charms products, once branded 'Blue Naga Collections'. In fact it's a beginning for people who are seeking new skills and also an opportunity for those who want to work for themselves or a community/charitable cause. I've taught my skills to others to get me started with making products in the past and I know that I can do this on a wider scale utilising today's technology. There's a further opportunity in my changes, which gives others opportunities to legally copy my designs or indeed be more creative in designing their own with my jewellery making kits.
On my other website '' are inspirations for making chakra jewellery, the site is currently paired with Blue Naga Collections so the connection is maintained. Also paired in the educational section of that website are the negative and positive emotions that humankind may experience. I'm sure I've experienced enough by now and offer gratitude to Wisdom for keeping emotional energy centred, mental energy focused on creating and physical energy in constructive states of creativity.
Next steps are to:
create Blue Naga Collections as e-books and posters
buy a new camera or pay a photographer for the kits launch!
I'm open to guidance and in gratitude to those who are open to assisting this shift.
Here's my story board for 'Into the Ebb-stream' a symbolic journey into portals of emotion from my Istaria Stories:
CLICK for INTO the EBB-STREAM storyboard Isabella Wesoly copyright 2011
ART of Economy blog entry 15th January 2013
Is it an art? might be your first question on reading the title of today's blog.
To answer that question I'd have to determine what 'art' is.
In my perception art is (in part) the result of an action that brought forth a production of images, objects or sounds. Art embraces several types of production including visual, performing, culinary, etc.
Art is not just one single entity, but a collective expression for constructive action/s which use group or individual skills and talents (artists).Art is about activity, what we do with the time we have on our hands/mind or what we do with our hands/mind in the passing of time.
Who needs this?
Is it a limited view that only considers the maker of 'arts'?
What about consumers/audiences?
Who wants this?
Maybe there's an equation to be considered, which is determined by this supply and demand. Economies are part of the cycles of life, where art is a significant contributor, a vital ingredient and the method by which critical decisions are made.
British politicians are artists of a kind, they may or may not paint, sing or dance well but the way in which they discuss and debate issues in the Commons is (in my opinion) artful. Politicians might indeed focus or 'dodge' certain issues at given times, but I wouldn't be fair to say that they are 'artful dodgers'. However, there's no dodging what's going on at a global scale just now, with regard to economy.
So, what is economy?
Wikipedia give this interpretation:
An economy consists of the economic systems of a country or other area;
In November 2012 Mark Carney replaced Sir Mervyn King as governor of the Bank of England. Carney been noted for his uniqueness in experience, credibility, expertise and experience (in the field of banking) by George Osborne PM during his House of Commons speech of 26th November, 2012.*
It's certainly going to be no artful dodge, but the world has moved beyond economic depressions and recessions before now. Personally I feel the world needs to deal with what's wasted, as certain types (if not all) waste can be also be resources. There's no doubt that money is in short supply right now, but this doesn't need to be a barrier in the making useful objects and pastimes.
In his article 'The rarest of birds' by Robert Tinker* refers to the need to find 'a way out of the current crisis and deliver the conditions necessary to pursue the good life'. In Tinker's view this would require the ‘rarest of birds’, which is a Keynsian term. Be they a bird or a plane it's going to take a very specific flight towards 'maximising prosperity' and in Tinker's view a well functioning economies needs to maximise this.
The purpose of economics must also recognise the need to ask how it's measured.
Who enjoys it?
How is it distributed?
Are other problems created in the pursuit of prosperity?
There is a huge problem in society in my perception, take a look at landfills.. perhaps many would rather not, but we're throwing away things that can be re-cycled in so many ways. Landfills could be cleared with resourcefuness, so too can making art from waste. Only a few weeks ago I watched a tv programme (Property Ladder?) where items for a bathroom from an old door, by a very resourceful carpenter.
* copy and paste into your browser or click on the image right.
**FABIAN REVIEW: 9th November 2012
Waste not want not' is a term that is vital to preserving harmony in state, our state of mind, health, emotions plus that of the economy. If we have little or no money in the 'coffers' we cannot spend it, borrowing more or quantative easing isn't a solution from my perspective. We can make good from waste.
Recently I had a conversation on Linked In with Maple Rose from iBuildWise regarding her mission to find materials for built environments. Her reference to 'stewardship and harmony' resonated with me deeply. It's good to see others on the same page of advocating the re-cycling or up-cycling of waste. With a creative impulse this could contribute towards improving the visual quality of our environment.
My Future View & poem '2013 STATE'
In case you're wondering about my reference to 'tor' in the title of today's blog. Tor.. means a rocky peak or hill, but it also sounds like the word 'tour' i.e. a place we may visit to look at scenery and buildings in/around it. Also a tour might present an experience to an audience, as in a music performance or art exhibition tour. There's another I see.
Should we tour landfills to find waste make ART?
The state of landfills certainly need to be addressed. Who's brave enough to start sifting?
Gailbraith's ”great black hole of economics” is evident in the in lack of attention to moral issues such as ecology. As far as landfills are concerned creating a tax on the disposal of waste doesn't solve the problem, a landfill is a landfill no matter how much it's costing to build it.
If I could build a machine to clear landfills, it would contain several tubes with suction mechanisms, perhaps with various type of magnetisms that can filter out active and inactive/inert waste. At the end of each tube would be a large container (rather like an over-sized vacuum cleaner bag), each one collecting the different types of matter that's dumped 'out of sight'. That's how I see it in my eye.
Isabella Wesoly •stated the following at 2am on 22nd December 2012 via Linked In
Quest for products and materials to create built environments in planetary 'stewardship & harmony'
'Landfills used to be plagued by waste building materials in the UK, before 're-cycling' was adopted. But there are certain types of wood that can be used for creative and educational projects. For example, plywood, MDF, etc that are removed from spaces under renovation (or left over from new projects) still have good use.
There's an opportunity for schools and community groups to benefit from such waste, plus further opportunities for people (adults can still learn) to either make mural panels with their own choices of design/motif or simply learn about the differences between painting with water based or oil paints. A good sanding makes any wood surface re-treatable, unless it's damp in which case I'm sure there's a product being worked on that treats damp wood, which needs to be tested!
Paint.. thick, lumpy, solid emulsion that's always a problem with skips and certain types of re-cycling that goes on here in the UK. Some community recycle centres don't take paint at all. Give people the right tools, eg sieve/strainer/loosely woven muslin, or carving implements that would make a mark in set emulsion and the ability to be creative with waste can open doors. What's done with waste is down to imagination, the first priority is to reduce and then eliminate it.
The last mural project I directed and co-produced was with the children who live on my street. I was invited to get involved in this for our 'Queen's Silver Jubilee' street party earlier this year. A salvaged piece of MDF became community art! and I hope inspirational for others. Here it is, along with links to other projects I've directed (and links to arts related info):
(you may need to copy & paste this link)
Most of the other projects could be repeated using salvaged wood, but the 'Working with Alzheimer's' project at Homemead was a different process entirely.'
it's 21.01.2103
forwards before going backwards
depends how you look at it
I like Inophis' music, it moves me in the right direction
the track below reminds me of some sounds from the past
ART of Doors and Portals blog entry 4th January 2013
Did you ever look at a door and see it as something more than a fixed piece of furniture that keeps a draft out? or more than a tool for privacy/security?
A door is an item we can easily take for granted, as we open a door, close a door and get on with what we're doing or indeed what we may seek to avoid. Either way the doorway is a metaphor for the space between now and then, ever changing as we move from one side of it to the other, as we transport through portals. The space of a doorway is both here and there, now and then, or this and that. It's also the point at which we may change a course of direction or action, regardless of whether the door itself is open or closed.
As a portal between two places, doors mark boundaries between inside/outside, lobby/room, store/stored, etc. In a similar way an arch also marks a point in space between two other spaces, yet the transparency makes a difference. An open archway reveals that which is ahead as well as that which is behind, by its permanent opening. This transparency allows us to see what's ahead, as an open door might. But a closed door or archway in my perception represent what's hidden, as well as a secure depository that represent home. Safe and sound.
David Sudmalis & Darragh O'Callaghan
By the coinicidences of fertile imagination and creative contacts in the field of visual art, two red doors connected last year. In 2011 I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow artist Darragh O'Callaghan at OPEN Ealing Arts Centre. Darragh progressed from her work at OPEN to an art residency in Australia and has co-produced Aphasia with David Sudmalis.
Click on my red door (below) to find out about Darragh and David's 'immersive installation'.
Here's my red door, it's part of a flowing storyboard and right here it leads to Aphasia.
'coincidence in sensitivity'
Jan 1st 2013, Fireworks & Starry Nights
Happy New Year
That was the real end of 2012
It is also a beginning!
follow me backwards for more 'In My Eye' blogs
Isabella Wesoly
ART of 2012blog entry 31st December 2012
In a wave farewell to 2012 my reflections of how it was gather around art as usual. It was an artful year with time in studio space at OPEN Ealing arts centre, a dramatic journey (missing a flight!) that inspired a new storyline, an imagination that moved through various different coloured doors and visits to creative and cultural events in and around London and expat areas in Spain.
TRIUMPHANT EVENTS: The most enjoyable London venues that I attended were hosted by Key Person of Influence via 'Triumphant Events', where entrepreneurship was the prime focus. A main event led on to the Key Person of Influence's 'Pitch Fest' and as I did promise (in a previous blog) to let you know my favourite pitchers, I'll begin with KPI.
Congress House in Great Russel Street was the venue for my first Key Person of Influence event, which addressed different aspects of entrepreneurship. With advice from key speakers on subjects that included how best to pitch an idea or productise it, for me the greater picture of what's important was embraced. A host of success stories from many female entrepreneurs like Jane Malyon, Mindy Gibbons, Penny Power and Shaa Wasamund allowed the contemporary world of business to be seen in contrast to the role of women in the early 20th century. I saw this as a levelling out on a wider field of equality in creative ideas and their sensible progression.
Following on from the first event, the two 'Pitch Fests' that I attended at the Gloucester Millennium Hotel (in London's South Kensington area) presented men and women alike, gender was of no consequence. It was interesting that the runners up of the first pitching event were predominantly women and those of the second were mostly men. A coincidence that also reflects a certain balancing.
Across the two pitching events I was most impressed by a Yoga teacher and life coach called Gina Hardy who runs her own business called 'Conscious Union'. Russell James aka Raw Chef's 'Art of Eating Well' lent to Gina Hardy's body healthy theme, plus Elaine Powell pitched her business 'Speaking with Confidence' covering the art of speaking well.
Altogether well done!!
find out more about Gina Hardy, click on Conscious Union
find out what UKTI are doing for entrepreneurship in Britain
click on image below
ART of 2012 blog entry 31st December 2012 cont.
Back in Time, 30 YEARS 1982 - 2012: Moving on and backwards to the earlier part of 2012, my memories recall valuable time that I spent in art space. This time and the space allowed me to gather together much of what I've been creating since way back when. In the various forms that surrounded me in that south facing studio were an expression of my abilities.
I fully appreciate the gift of being creative, as well as being able to fly forward to the past.
Here's a digitally enhanced view of some of my life drawing sketches from 1982, which I'd hung in my studio. In September 2011 I'd hired space for my art, rented for 6 months from OPEN Ealing Arts Centre in West Ealing, London. Within that space I found a few more ways of looking at things from a different perspective and making art work.
In 1982 I'd attended classes at Chelsea School of Art and thirty years on saw me making art of the past. Or, from a different perspective in 1982 I made art of/for the future.
Digitally enhanced life drawings, by Isabella Wesoly
ART of Fractals Blog Entry 30th December 2012
I had a discussion with a Facebook friend about fractals recently, I didn't know that there were two different types, Mandelbrot and Julia. This topic led me to wonder if our thoughts were like fractals i.e. does an energy pattern generate and change as we alter our thoughts, or beliefs?
The notions that stemmed from this conversation were along the lines of what we think, i.e. the actvity that our brain engages in when we fear or don't know something. This is also connected to things that we believe or feel. If a thought generated a fractal what would it looks like in changing from an 'I give up' attitude to an 'I can do it' one?
I don't know the answer, perhaps someone will write to me and tell me what science proves.
Right now I'm glad to be focused on the constructive in life and I'm also glad that YouTube has suddenly started working again, after a couple of days staring at a black rectangle when I tuned into my usual vibes there.
Here's a video from Anthony Robbins that's connected to what we think/our beliefs.
It's called 'The Power of Belief'
ART of ISON blog entry 26th December 2012
This evening I was involved in two separate conversation on Facebook. The first was regarding a 'group of stars' in tonight's sky that appeared to be moving. The conversation led to Internet searches on 'sky tonight' news or current Cosmic phenomenon. However the conversation thread went beyond the perception of what seen this evening, to what may be seen at a future time. 2013 was a jump ahead in a sense, as scientists measure data and assess probability whilst some become keen to understand more about the nature and cycles of the Cosmos.
An Internet link led to a Mail Online article written by reporter Eddie Wrenn, which states that a
'Comet.. shining 15 times brighter than moon' is going to be passing by planet Earth and should/could be be visible to naked eyes from November to December 2013.
The comet, named 'ISON' will be viewable from the Northern Hempisphere (if skies are clear enough) from earlier on in 2013. David Whitehouse describes the coming Comet ISON as:
The second conversation began with my reference to the day being like 'a time hopping experience' and a 'Dr Who' with a difference. My Facebook chatter led to a suggestion from another blogger that I should 'nip back in time' for rare beatles singles at Acton Woolworths (the shop that once glorified Acton and beyond, in UK high streets). The nipping back suggestion was in response to my tongue-in-cheek comment about becoming 'the next Dr. Who', which was met with a cautious word about not messing with nature/science. But we enjoyed Sarah Jane's Adventures here and liked a female time wizard within multi-dimensional story telling.
Whilst I agree that time is 'best not tampered with, if I was 'Dr.Who-Is' or indeed Dr. Is-On I'd have no machine to jump time, but a field called Ooo-2B using only quantum mechanics and cyber technology. My imagination gets broader in conversations about space, time or the great beyond.
Get your cameras ready! There's more new art to be created by or during next year.
Boxing Day 2012 is certainly almost at the 'end' of its time but it's a sure bet 2013 ISON!
and on, and on
Here's a couple of rare Beatles recordings for Christmas 1966 and 1967
dedicated to newly weds Richard & Evie Fogleberg, who married on 21.12.2012 ♥
Back in Time
further back to
The music and images in these video remain the property of the copyright holder
1967: A Significant Year it was the first time I stepped into South Acton and clearly recall the still-under-construction 19-storey (plus ground and lower ground floors) tower block called 'Barrie House'. The year was confirmed after watching a video (from Clara's mum) called 'South Acton Adventure Playground'
See 'Blog on Acton' page for Clara's Mum's short film of children enjoying their summer building play equipment, expressing themselves and keeping physically fit in 1967. Stuff that kids liked to do that doesn't happen anymore, policies on safeguarding children change (like life).
This is Isabella blogging off, 2013 IS ON.. Blog on Acton via the A40 sign
click for BLOG ON ACTON
ART of Survival blog entry 19th December 2012
A need to survive here with less finances around my family has been dictated by a situation that I don't feel I can do little about. There's a problem right now with how far the household kitty will be tightened before there's nothing left for buying food.
We have to eat don't we?
Sometimes I wonder about this, my father's walk through Siberian frosts years ago brings another perspective. A story of survival comes through his account of a journey with many young and able men, who were taken from Poland by the Russian communist soldiers during the time of the 2nd World War. Except it wasn't really a 'world war, mainly occurring in the parts that some schools of thought refer to as 'civilised'. Those chattels of communism were taken from their homes to dig through a mountain and were marched Eastwards for days, with no food. However, many benefitted by maintaining physical energy from chewing tree bark. The 'enzymes in the bark' were enough to sustain them, as our father told us children years ago.
Many didn't survive that journey, either to Siberia or during their time as forced labour. None were poisoned by toxic trees though, in a certain viewpoint trees are guardians and my 93 year old dad has certainly known hardship in his life. His story of the march in the freezing snow by those men has always been an inspiration for me, especially when I've gone though personal hardships. We can all take inspiration from how others got through the tough times. I feel we are all here to get wiser about life, we weren't born to suffer. So I make an effort not to think about 'suffering' when it gets so cold. My children don't complain about the chilled temperature in the house and I've done a bit of resourceful DIY on a 'mission of barricade' around windows and doors. Better still I've enough to cover the increase in food and electricity prices, now.
Right now life's quite tough, I'm lucky I was sensible enough to hold savings for a so-caled 'rainy day'. But I hadn't expected to be paying out a significant amount following that slip on a wet floor last year. I found a story in that though, which helped a breakthough on a creative level. The 'Istaria' stories that I've written in my 'Into the Ebb-stream series begins with a female who's very emotional about events in her life, but this blog is not so much about the problems we may go through, but a solution that I found to one that I was faced with. I've put a link in to my story board at the end of this blog, but do read on for now, it's a blog that reflects the current economy for many right now as 2012 comes to a close. I also see a perspective on what the Mayan Elders refrred to as 'the end of a cycle' as current circumstances and events (cause and effect) open up to changes.
I always turn a situation into a story, well, maybe not always as sometimes I do have to be fully focused on the task at hand. However, the limited funds in the household kitty just now has led me to take a serious look at what I spend money on. Perhaps very important right now, when money is becoming more scarce/jobs are thinner on the ground. So I've been looking at what household costs are increasing the most rapidly. I don't think it's rocket science to work this one out, unless you're living in accomodation that has communal heating and never need to measure the cost of heating your home. Actually, if you do you might still be experiencing this rising cost of living, as I'm sure service charges or rent would increase on account of the higher cost of energy.
I don't envisage us dropping down with hyperthermia here, but a cut in the kitty was bound to come. I've boycotted our gas energy supplier and trust that an energy saviour is due. From the wind, sun, rain and earth forces that our clever scientists study and harness, comes clean, effective, safe (and perhaps free one day) energy to power all of these appliances and game/communication gadgets that the 21st Century entices us with.
If there was just one thing I could have in my life to keep it or make it more enjoyable it would not be a gas supply. So I'll carry on warming short planks of pine in our electric oven, sense the sauna like aroma as they heat up (safely on middle shelf with opened oven door) and step up and dance, or step out and march! I'm sure I won't need to chew any bark though.
My Abel & Cole box of groceries is offering balance and that's the best that anyone can attend to in an effort to survive. My Magnum boots are close by in case this so called 'mini ice age' worsens. We're also on the look out for my daughter to adorn her feet with similar. She's reading about 'war poets' at school just now, so I hope she'll get a reality view of how cold and trench-stenched a person's feet could be. There's no need to experience it though, we're investing in good socks! to suit the boot.
ART of Community Citizenship blog entry 15th December 2012
Last week my blog covered a little of what's been going on in the town of Acton, London W3. One blog about Acton can never be enough (in my opinion), especially now that a social networking / fundraising group has developed in its name.
The Facebook group called 'We Love Acton' arose from what was initially intended as a bit of 'fun', in May 2012. But I'm sure that many people are in gratitude to Mike Baxter who founded the group, as well as Antoinette Smith for managing the 'We Love Acton' group's events and online space pages.
With a current membership reaching across the world, with a count of 2437 (as of 15/12/2012), there's clear evidence that Acton is becoming a more global and dedicated community.
From my perspective Mike and Toni have offered a response (albeit unwittingly) to a local community campaign called 'LOVE ACTON', where the name 'We Love Acton' can be seen as an affirmative to the question:
'do you love Acton?'
or indeed a response to the request 'Please Love Acton'. WLA does!
I'm sure that as time/space allow I'll be blogging on 'Love Acton'. Both are a positive sign that community efforts work, as witnessed at Acton Market Christmas Fair on 8th December 2012.
click on the We Love Acton crest to read a GAZETTE ARTICLE on the group
from 6th September 2012, by Livia Carron
when you've finished reading, just close the page and this one will be underneath it
Anne Craven, Karen Bryant & Irene Dwyer assisting on the WLA tombola stall. Photographed by David Lawes
ART of Entrepreneurship blog entry 12th December 2012
Some people struggle a little to say the word 'entrepreneur' or 'entepreneurship', even if they do understand its meaning. My mind tends to play with words, so if you're reading this and 'struggle' with this particular 'E' word try saying this: 'N troop ran your' or 'N troop ran your ship'
Neither has a significant meaning, but I'm confident I could make a meaning from them! You'll have to seek out my stories at a future time for an artistic / literary view on that!
Today there's a good reason for focusing on this blog.
What's a entrepreneur?
Richard Cantillon first defined this word in the 18th century and in 1723 it found route into the French Dictionary "Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce" of Jacques des Bruslons.
'.. the person who pays a certain price for a product to resell it at an uncertain price.. admitting the risk of enterprise'
Wikipedia also referred to 'making decisions about obtaining and using the resources' in their definition of an entrepreneur. I see the word as describing a person who invests time and (not always) money in a product, service, or idea and may undertake certain risks in doing so. An entrepreneur is indeed a risk bearer, but (in my view) some business ideas need a 'torch bearer' and I've put that in inverted commas because it's my way of describing those who can help.
There is a 'field' out there (ok, inverted commas again, I speak in pictures! but it's not a field where crops grow (nor where cows might graze). The field that I'm talking about is a collective group of experts, working together or independently (i.e. resourceful investors), who help in the progression of ideas and making businesses work.
Key Person of Influence (also called KPI) is both a book by Daniel Priestley and an organisation that helps others to bring their ideas into form in the world of business.
"This [KPI] philosophy is sparking an entrepreneur revolution in London."
Mike Harris has described the current trend in entrepreneurship as an 'explosion of new ideas'. I've witnessed a few ideas from attendees that are (in my humble opinion) more than impressive. In recent months I've attended two events called 'Pitch Fest', organised by KPI.
Bookmark 'In My Eye' blogs by Isabella Wesoly
to read future blogging quests
psst.. she's planning one on her personal favourites
from KPI Pitch Fests of 2012
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