What could you design with Dzi beads? |
Did you ever think about board game designs?
We did and designed game pieces too!
We used these dzi beads, as they have a flat base
We like to collaborate, could you?
What could you glue onto to the bead, to make a game piece?
What will you use to make game pieces? |
What items that are regulalry thrown in the bin can be added?
Washing up liquid flip open lids
Bottle corks or tops
Toothpaste caps
What else?
Consider the layout of a board
and how the pieces move around/across it
Board games can be prototypes for creating digital games,
but whichever way you like to play (hand craft to game/game for hand craft)
there's use for our hands, time and space.
The Arts & Crafts Movement assured us of the benefits in using our hands for crafting things of good purpose
How much less would be in landfills and re-cycling if we made better use of plastics/waste?
Then again, there will always be Dzi Beads*
*pronounced 'zee'
Do you know the rules of chess? |
Do you know how the rules of chess and why a checker board is used?
Research this for deeper thinking, around your game design and/or play
Waste Wood for Chess! |
Emerald City over a Rainbow! |
Lifelong Learning |