Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Penetrate the core Flowing, growing endlessly We hear 'let's have some more!'
Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Penetrate the weak Rising, lifting endlessly We may say as we speak
Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Encircled in this hour Widdershins turning endlessly Let not our love grow sour
from the heart dedicated to DSF
Light of Love Chi 2 harmony
Blessed be the Light
Blessed Be the Light dedicated to all held in darkness 30/4/08
Blessed Be the Light, the time to see is now Wiping away the darkness Laid heavy on life's brow Far away in Oz Angel Kerstin lays Recovering now in seconds Humanity now prays 'No heart, no soul' some said At what did put all here Let's focus on this healing The light is shone so clear Mirroring the ways That darkness can hide things Exposed the truth forever As Angel Kerstin sings I feel the line connection A ray of rainbow light Praise you child, you soldier I feel you in your plight Your mother safe and sound now For all to see the truth With love we step the pathways In light we see your proof No longer hidden now, released No longer hidden now, released No longer hidden now, released (((( Blessed Be the Light ))))
Angels across the Oceans..
Angels across the waters Oceans, rivers, seas Joining in the force of love In the awesome autumn breeze
Feel the love that comes to you On this so special day Flowing in all true spirit Thanks to blessings in your way
Hey Kali, Blue is good
I'd hug you in person, if I just could
No fear you hear, because Love's around
As you jump for joy, that feeling is found
Archangel Michael working, in shades of blue
Bringing you hope, in all you do
Contemplation, as we pass the days
United in Love, in so many ways
Breathe it in honey, feel your mind at ease
As clarity comes, shifting thoughts that tease
Don't worry now, all's perfectly well
Life's dross needs clearing, I'm sure you can tell
In joy of the work, now moving for you
Sending you love, in shades of blue
written for KaliMajik.. 23rd August 2007
Hope in a spectrum of light
May the patterns of life always be bright, just as the colours in the rainbow of light That you share with us beneath your name The colours you make in this worldy game
Energy flowing, it's all around It comes in light, it comes in sound Forever flowing as we go May the love within you forever flow
Mighty cut please Michael, again and again May the patterns created not be the same As the ones that coloured your life before Now you stand at an open door
Bright before you, pastures new All hope and faith in all you do As the memories of all that is past Transmutes into love that will last and last!
forever Sim
dedicated to Rainbow Goddess Sim, Istanbul, Turkey A
life long student of spirituality and mystics, who loves music,
singing, dancing, traveling.. and to live life to the fullest, enjoying
all beauty and abundance.
15th August 2007
contact us telephone: (0)20 3255 0133
MAKING MURALS (Is Harmony) 15 Windermere Road, Ealing, London W5 4TJ, England