love is always flowing
The circle turns endlessly Through the day and night Flowing as it moves Within the dark and light Pits and troughs to face The shoulder bears a cross Everything is experience Nothing is at loss Weight is only heavy Compared to something that is not Temperature always varies Life is warm or cold or hot The circle turns with twists No certainty in fate A hand is always willing As we face the closing gate So if we cant get through this way We may go round or under Or sit and breathe as we are still With hope not put asunder Catch us as we fall now Tired from the stony walk Alone we never really are Illusion of fear in talk Can the power of another Place a mortal in a prison Within the walls of such despair? Our inner rod is hidden In the purpose of our journey A glowing inner core Creating what we really want Thanks, we’ll have some more Joyful teasing tastes of harmony With the soul set all a-quiver Strong as a mountain, we are taught Let us flow now, as the river © Isabella Wesoly, 17th April 2009
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Accepting Love
Home is where the heart is Love flows endlessly Rising up as the circle turns Love's never leaving me Shaken from illusions Footsteps blindly trodden Love guides truth in the path we walk Love never is forgotten © Making Murals, 12th April 2009
As days passed by in Love dedicated to me for a change
In my heart I felt a flower Pink as an orchid true The blues of the days that passed Are gone from me and you 'It's not happening now' I hear As the stories get re-told It's here and now in perfect time As the hairs on my head grow old White and Light and Snowdrops Shining in the darkness The days that passed were sometimes blind Oh how deeply can light caress A dark night in the Mists In Avalon I once knew Deep within the water Secrets for me and you Air and Water bonded Two elements embracing there I felt you, oh my darling Energetically in my prayer Though I did not see you I knew that you were there Beside me now forever With this magic in the air And the days pass by in love As I take this to my heart Divine timing that's for sure But we never were apart For love she flows and flows Never ceasing, never tiring Assured that what we flow in now See days of love transpiring I stopped seeking for I had to In faith that all was good And that you were never far away In that I know we should Not seek the things we want to have But see them up above Just what I feel flowed easily As days passed by in Love Ω © Isabella Wesoly 10th September 2008
the frenzy is leaving money mart distressed gone many workers all belongings caressed they'll need us Lightworkers so get on your mission to help these folk through this state of transition the world is a-changing evolving anew take time to think of the things we can do to help in the changes we are here for trying the ways of the world are living and dying but never gone is the love and support that a Lightworker brings as the new casts report catch them falling their souls do now seek the ways of being as hunger becomes meek 24th September 2008 ©Making Muralsdedicated to all affected by the fallen banking institutions never give up hope that you can do better You Can!
Peace Poem.. flowing in 2008
P is for Praise Makes the heart feel givingE is for Everyone we're all making a livingA is for Applying that peace in your actions C is for 'Come on Now' no need for distractions E is for Elligible everyone is With the whirlwinds of life, consider this.. What we focus on grows Metaphysically speaking Our fine tune buttons Sometimes need tweeking Put some classical music Close to your ears Empty your mind of The panic and fears A soak in the bath beneath nice smell bubbles See the dross of life fall As you let go troubles A 'big melting pot' 60's tune by Blue Pink We're in it together Ne'er mind what some think Cause energy is shifting In all kinds of ways As we move it in peace May we flow through the daysNamaste folks
8th February 2008
Key of Life.. Isabella's is in her garden. Click on image garden, c
chain of love
Calling from a distance The soft words went unheard Locked in a time of stillness Where bliss just seemed absurd In the silence of independence Brushing down wounds and scars Head held up, eyes forward There in the force of Mars No fighting now, but music The voice of the King assures That love is in what we cannot help A mighty force endures Sounds of the waters flowing It’s route is always glistening Eternally flowing, life is a stream We can take time for listening As the heartbeat echoes daily Resounding in it’s route Meandering through the wilderness Hearts is the truest suit For love cannot be conquered It is the constant power In love we step this dance of life It is growing hour by hour © Isabella Wesoly, 17th April 2009
La Primavera (Ode to Springtime)
Spring is an open road ahead
Springtime in the distance The chill of Winter still Friends of far and near unite In Love we all share still The Light is coming stronger As day grows long as night Heralding gifts we plant the seeds That make the future bright © Isabella Wesoly, 9th March 2009
Seeing through Illusions
This thing can't touch us, we face fear with might The Way and the Truth now, All is alright Blues playing loud, Go wobble your bott Get down to Earth Where impermanents rot And shed away all cling-ons Rapid and fast Love's always true Love sure does last Our mojo is Magik Go fix those wings Soaring to miracles The angel guide singsdedicated to the players in this game called 'life'17th September 2008 ©Making Murals don't forget folks who've been tested in a relationship.. only Love is real the rest is an illusion
Flowing past the blockages The rooted rocks of life Meander as a river When life seems full of strife Do we battle against what's static? Or move on to the side When we're flowing in life's river The path is open wide As all that seems to hold us In doubt or sheer lament Spirit's always willing To help receive what's sentdedicated to Annabella, Happy Birthday! 9th February 2008
flowing as a rainbow
In faith of all that's good The watering tap so high It is a cleansing force That's coming from the sky
Foretold by John the Baptist Whose visions some distort The cleansing force of water Is good news to report
Our moon is a reflection A cycle of wax and wane As it comes to its fullest phase We may believe in pain
All emotion is illusion It does not bring what's real So to our heart, we can depart To feels what's truly real
Our Isis divine Goddess Is rising now, today ! With the healing, cleansing water Affirm it now and say
Bless you, Bless you, Bless you Oh waters of the sky In your form is our true self Whom many did deny
The balancing of the forces Is come and all is good Let not ye curse that blessed rain For all is understood
Our Dearest John and Mary Wiped clean from all their glory Let it be known that all we learned Was changed in some history
9th October 2006 © Isabella Wesoly
Every drop of rain
That falls from up above
Feeds our souls with nourishment
Touching us with love
Each and every flower
Brings harmony it's true
Feeding us vibrations
In everything we do
Every second of the day
With love's enduring bliss
Nature's gifts in flowers
Seals life with a kiss
Nurturing Nature