.This is a greeting................................................ ................................................................... ............................................................................. ....................................... etc
Is it worth putting a greeting message here? if yes, where it is or above the slide show?
I'm unable to remove the white trellis design (above left) as it's on a global setting for my site.
The software I use in my hosting package allows me to create slide shows, hopefully similar software is available on fronter.
Some of the images in the slide show are quite small, I could create 1 image with 2 or three smaller ones within it to get around this, or make the large images smaller.
Most of the photos I've used are devoid of human life, the aliens are very colourful though. Do you think the school sells better when it' shows site visitors how busy the school is? or how well the equipment is being used?
I've used Comic Sans font throughout the web pages I've designed for Grange, as advised by Karen
Have a look at Eagle class page for possible website design developments (use the tabs in left frame or click on eagle image via classroom image below)