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love making savings in shopping time and money?
Is Harmony offers discerning buyers valuable savings & inspirational gifts with Blue Naga Collections
from several options available. The larger the package the greater the discount! Our largest collections include a greater variety of semi-precious gemstones. This package does not identify the stones, it is for you to tune in or share, as guided. (see suggested method below)
each set of 7 pendants includes crystal gemstones in the following colours:
pack of 7x7 = 49 pendants 7 lots with 7 pendants in each, 49 pieces in total (plus drawstring pouches) a wider variety of crystals, colours as above
no two packs will ever be identical, due to the nature of carved crystal gemstone
Is Harmony's suggested method of tuning in to crystals, or just colour allows us to find peace and harmony in the triads of life * Our founder Isabella Wesoly found inspiration by tuning into the vibrations she sensed from crystals. By holding different crystal gemstones in her hands, or close to her, she found similarities between what she wrote in the way of poems/affirmations and the accounts/descriptions given by authors of books on crystal or chakra harmony / healing / therapy, etc. * We suggest that you try what Isabella did: Before you start, take notes about what/how you feel/think at physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels Spend some time attuning to the colour vibrations of the angel pendants in your collection. This means just hold them and let the stone angels 'speak' to you. Make a note of any words, images or feelings that you experience, in your record book Then research from books/Internet and compare the information with what you sense. * The mystical properties of stone speak a universal language.. Let your sixth sense decipher the vibrations * embrace the difference between inner knowing and being told. It certainly helped Isabella * NB. If you don't sense anything, that's fine.. some people are more sensitive than others
Some of Isabella's poems are included via the tabs above, left
Money Saving Offers from 'Blue Naga Collections' @ Is Harmony