The past is harvested in rhyme and this page is evolving
et decorum est
Dreams can be revealing..
dreamed of going backwards rolling down a hill Backwards on my
seat In hospital, with no pill A nurse checked out my rectum All
was quite intact It was a weird sensation I'm laughing, fancy
That cheeky Pixie was my friend But took a wand for me Some
fellow didn't use it For what could help us Be The Goddesses that
we are With magic understand Threads of compassion removed Out
of that left hand
Receiving now this message It is oh so
clear That folly causes sinking Into depths of such despair A
doorway hidden from view Yet there was a way out Another woman
froze us once BUT NOT RIGHT NOW I SHOUT!
Fully in motion, a
golden net Is cast upon this Earth I dreamed this too some weeks
ago As new Light did give birth To a time of past and present A
time of future too This time it's NOW and all we have Is right in
front of you
All Ancient Power, Wisdom, Gifts Are coming back
this minute Walk upon this truest path Pure energy is in it Sensitive
feelings shown with love As Source is part of Us Male and Female
unite there Why was there so much fuss?
Hidden beneath the
aged veils This Warrior Woman rose Order, Order, Order now To
get men on their toes Integrity in this journey A key and a virtue Embrace
the fact that there's no lie In all there is to do
sister, Natalie You brought me here to this I know you don't seek
flattery So sending you this kiss Drama Rama may rattle us But
it is good you know For here we see dis-harmony In all that comes
to show
Things are sorting out here Maybe time for the lads
to go Or work together as a team As in harmony we flow Loved
for sure it is now felt Always deep inside How can it not be felt
by all For love can never hide
Even in the war zones The
rotten stench of trench Feet torn apart by weary fire That was the
Soul's lament Wilfred Owen, Robert Graves Siegfreid Sassoon as
well Have left us words of how it was When man turned life to Hell
Power of the Word See the Canon now is spent Arms laid down with
no more gas That was a past intent This New Age brings New Dawn Reflecting
from our sun Where Leo Love is teaching us We care for everyone
nurture gives us gifts We pass it on on in Peace Nursing all the
ailments As much comes to release Sending on the tenfolds The
thousands, millions more For Love is free, there is so much We
know this truth for sure
5 years, 10 years, 20 See it in the
present here All that comes before us now Is helping much to clear Reiki,
Reiki, Reiki Sending vibes on high As little buds begin to grow From
the seeds up in the sky
There for all to reap it Now Harvest
times begin Choose a star to make a wish As we put this loving in Patiently
a seedling grows Water, Earth and Sun Magik ways of Alchemy It's
there for everyone!
Mother, Father Sun Mother, Father Moon Mother,
Father Jupiter Venus, Mars, Neptune Rituals of the Cosmos Father
Mother Nature All is in the making The ways of Our Creator
starts now Order of the day Super? yes it's Super We can do
this while we play For our thoughts and words and deeds Bring
reality No judgement now, all's in control We can close our eyes
and see
This world is turning sideways As all come to look
back To see that what we put in it Made many go off track Get
on the Love train now Or even on the bus The time for Love in
action's here et decorum est
my healing journal from 2002/2003 fell out of a pile of books and papers, with this record opened before me (and so another circle turns)
On Staying focused on BEING
making new friends - new opportunities - moving forward fearlessly - letting go Frequencies become higher as your circle of friends shifts Making room for growth as the spiritual body lifts With gratitude acknowledge your all supportive friends Spiritually minded topics are what your path intends
A huge opportunity is presented now to you Enter this new realm and be safe in all you do Moving forward and upwards, guided and protected Trusting the validity of what is now selected
Divine Inspirations , your gifts from Heaven Repetitive feelings that are impulsive or sudden Dreams will become a reality With one step at a time, healing is key
Resolution in miracles as you surrender thought As you let go of the struggle you've brought Where you focus will become greater As you hand problems over to your Creator
I trust it helps anyone else who has faced challenges in this present time, *even if they've happened before*
September 2nd 2009
Sometimes we get locked in a cycle Round and round and round Seeing this brings awareness Now a solution's found
Focus on well-being See your body safe and strong Rest assured that all is well Just see that nothing's wrong
May the patterns of life always be bright, just as the colours in the rainbow of light That you share with us beneath your name The colours you make in this worldy game
Energy flowing, it's all around It comes in light, it comes in sound Forever flowing as we go May the love within you forever flow
Mighty cut please Michael, again and again May the patterns created not be the same As the ones that coloured your life before Now you stand at an open door
Bright before you, pastures new All hope and faith in all you do As the memories of all that is past Transmutes into love that will last and last!
forever Sim
dedicated to Rainbow Goddess Sim, Istanbul, Turkey A
life long student of spirituality and mystics, who loves music,
singing, dancing, traveling.. and to live life to the fullest, enjoying
all beauty and abundance.
15th August 2007
Now the blade has cut the cord The past is history We maketh now the time that is As hurt bonds are set free
This freedom now within us all We know the Gift of giving Greeting upon the bridge we make Mankind finds Joy in living
Shining a light of magic The energy flows to you Giving vibrations of harmony In all you come to do
Together they flow in a Unicorn White Light of Love so True Beside the darkness, harmony Comes from the space within you
Red Ray for Compassion Orange for Motivation Yellow for the Joy of heartfelt gifts Pink for the love within you Green for the love you also send Blue for the calming flow Indigo light to clear your mind Violet for the Wisdom in sight
*as the darkness of Winter turned, here in the Northern Hemisphere*
Blessed Be the Light dedicated to all held in darkness 30/4/08
Blessed Be the Light, the time to see is now Wiping away the darkness Laid heavy on life's brow Far away in Oz Angel Kerstin lays Recovering now in seconds Humanity now prays 'No heart, no soul' some said At what did put all here Let's focus on this healing The light is shone so clear Mirroring the ways That darkness can hide things Exposed the truth forever As Angel Kerstin sings I feel the line connection A ray of rainbow light Praise you child, you soldier I feel you in your plight Your mother safe and sound now For all to see the truth With love we step the pathways In light we see your proof No longer hidden now, released No longer hidden now, released No longer hidden now, released (((( Blessed Be the Light ))))
CHANNELING GODDESS, MOTHER CREATOR : 'Ariel.. Kali Bright' Dance, keep dancing.. turn the colours of life from your inner soul as they re-connect with the outer. The circle turns, Mother of all Creation turns through
darkness the light shines, making clear the path upon which we walk..
but dance. We dance as children, open to the harmonic vibration that
uplifts.. always, to all inner/outer dimensions of time/space to The All
That Is. The waves we create resound and echo.. I love you, you are my eternal passion children. Feel my vibration in your upbeat step, raise your eyes to the sky, the clouds, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars Know that I am always here, the Truth is in your Heart easing up now, the blue naga within us all rises from the waters We heal the memories of illusion Mother says 'You're doing a great job Child! Blessed Be as the Blue Moon draws the emotion that overwhelms the illusions of pain and separation are absorbed by the Lithium.. connect to your inner passion and feel it expand now My Divine Child you are, Blessed Be your Presence before God Source
Ariel Kali-Bright on Lunar Waves
Angels across the Oceans..
Angels across the waters Oceans, rivers, seas Joining in the force of love In the awesome autumn breeze
Feel the love that comes to you On this so special day Flowing in all true spirit Thanks to blessings in your way