This is the first ever short story I have completed for the Internet CLICK ON EACH IMAGE TO ENLARGE I hope you enjoy both the story and the images. (The first draft of Part I is at the bottom of page, I'm adding to this volume as feelings move me to)
Part II added 10th September 2011
Part III added 21st September 2011
Part IV added 21st October 2011
......................................................................................................... Into the Ebb-stream - Volume I: Into the Journey (a story for Eddie, created 18.8.11)
Part I
Into the Journey - Mysts of Time
Part II
Into the Journey - Earth
I haven't proof checked this, so there may be some areas to improve and the images need to be sharpened up, but I've enjoyed getting in the flow for Part II.
Hope you enjoy reading this e-book
Part III
Into the Journey - Dignified Duel
Part IV
Into the Journey - Sun Valley
First Draft (of Part I)
Would you like to read more?
There's lots to inspire me in the artwork that I made using the photo of Eddie in Mijas Pueblo and the ocean of life! (as we know it, or indeed as we don't realize)
BOOKMARK THIS PAGE.. back next moth, or as the feeling flows All the Best to you, from Isabella (Giga) ◊