The poems on this page and some others were written by Isabella Wesoly in between juggling family/studies/work as a single mum after 20 years of marriage (and 5 children). Some poems are written for people I came to know in Cyber space, a place that was akin to walking in a very strange land at first for her, but Isabella thanks each one for 'walking' those paths with her. Those Cyber friends helped her feel welcome and assuring her that our home is all around us all.
As the awesome journey continues, Isabella is well beyond the doubt and confusion now. As the saying goes..
'it's not the destination that matters, but the journey'
love is always flowing
Love Chi
Light of Love Chi
Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Penetrate the core Flowing, growing endlessly We hear 'let's have some more!'
Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Penetrate the weak Rising, lifting endlessly We may say as we speak
Light of Love Chi, Light of Love Encircled in this hour Widdershins turning endlessly Let not our love grow sour
from the heart dedicated to DSF
Light of Love Chi 2 harmony
Harmony in Blue
Loving Blues.. Archangel Michael/Ganesh)
Hey Kali, Blue is good
I'd hug you in person, if I just could
No fear you hear, because Love's around
As you jump for joy, that feeling is found
Archangel Michael working, in shades of blue
Bringing you hope, in all you do
Contemplation, as we pass the days
United in Love, in so many ways
Breathe it in honey, feel your mind at ease
As clarity comes, shifting thoughts that tease
Don't worry now, all's perfectly well
Life's dross needs clearing, I'm sure you can tell
In joy of the work, now moving for you
Sending you love, in shades of blue