Murals are not restricted to paint upon a surface, we can create with rock and stones and flowers Isabella Wesoly, 17th May 2008 (updated February 2011) In the images an pictures below and to the right is my garden, tendered mostly by Nature with helping hands to assist in certain structures. Art has always been a passion for me, my garden too. I hope you enjoy wandering through time as harmony's garden grew,
Inspired by a love of flowers, fairies and crystals, a message in the Ankh and Stonehenge's shape, entry/exit points and quartz content of the inner stones. Chakra awareness is also an important consideration when creating sacred space for well-being.
Since taking the first photos I have planted stocks in the area surrounding the inner-most point, where Jasmine grew in a pot. On the square paving slab beneath the round pot, which contained the jasmine there was a sequence of crystal tumblestones. It is as a colour wheel, from the earth star chakra (beneath our feet) to the transpersonal chakra (above our head). Beginning at black, going through to brown, red, orange, yellow, pink, green, blue, indigo, violet, clear, white. It corresponds to the energy centres of our very being, called our chakras and for the fine tuning of these for our well being I highly recommend making one and using it! I often start my day by going to the circle, or take a break and go sit
with my feet in the earth, sand and moss. It feels good to connect to
earth, try it!
The scale of the circle can be increased (decreased), with your own choice of central focus.
As years passed and adjusting to changes, 2 dogs, a grandson and the need for 'playful space' most of the centre of the garden was slabbed. I wanted to preserve what for me was a sacred space, where I can sit and contemplate life and its challenges. The Tiger-stone seat is in the same place, but my 'inner square' is a few inches out of where it was.
Everything else is the same, sun rises in East (left), sets in West (right) and I see its full glory before me, as with Nature the garden continues to evolve. The Elder tree now a haven for my friend the bullfrog, if I kiss it will my King come?
The Elder tree cannot be seen here on the left of photo. It was there, then wasn't and then she came back!
one of life's mysteries ;)
Mother Elder in Harmony's Garden.. hidden somewhere!
Ganesh in the Garden
Ganesh in the Garden.. 20th February 2007
There amidst the fauna. With sun before Imbolc Soothing, calming comfort. Came from the garden folk
The fei were not all sleeping. A gift of sheer dellight As glow of Ra upon the orb. Made all the garden bright
Helped by the silver structure. The Indian Mayan-like ball Made golden sun rebounding. From fence to ground to wall
Dark beside the light. Evergreen as love so true An elephant I see, you look. It's far left, there can you?
Ivy and Passionflower. The seeking tendrils led A union of peaceful energy. The picture made it said!
An elephant! in my garden? You can see it there Wondered where I got the strength. That must be surely where
Veils lifted on illusion. Cause once I said 'help! please' Offers came right, left and centre. Not even on my knees!
It makes me think of Ganesh. The elephant-cum-man Strong love and protection. The all-supporting hand
Thanks now for all peace. To flow for all to see That all we are is All in One. Let's flow in harmony
dedicated to all peaceful unions in the making, now
there beyond was a bullfrog! 2010
the bullfrog was sat in the muddy blue bowl
Grandson playing with water, Summer 2010
I was in control of the water tap!! ;)
thanks for the watering
A red rose for Marcella July 2010
file date says 25th January 2007, but it can't be! it is somewhere between 2009/10
I saved a square of earth when the concrete went down
I saw a unicorn, can you?
There's always a source of inspiration in Nature
High Summer 2008
Midsummer harmony's garden
the Nasturtiums return, growing clockwise in the circle. They speak of the creative energy within us all. Deep orange and yellow, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus. They were not originally planted in this spot, but placed here by nature & serendipity. The circle is as a womb, where the fruits of labour grow now. What are you creating with your sacral area?
View from above, Beltane 2008
the photograph below is how the garden looked the previous year, evolving as we do!
It inspired me to write the poem Ganesh in the Garden
Now to write about a unicorn and a disappearing Elder tree!
Ganesh in the Garden
come and see what we make and/or sell.. all in the way of harmony click on the eye