Lyrical Inspirations are another form of mural making, for we create through our thoughts and words. For each word we read or write images are presented in the mind
.. and so we create
All poems included on this site are often referred to as 'Is Wisdoms', Isabella Wesoly wrote them with the intention of bringing wisdom via words.
There is much to be said for 'the healing power of the word', and words of love and encouragement are a useful tool in assisting us, when life is challenging.
Some of the lyrics are published, via the International Library of Poets, with whom Isabella is a founding laureate member.
These include:
'Contentment in Love'
The Silent Journey,
Watermark Press, 2004
'Violet Flame'
The Best Poems and Poets of 2004,
Watermark Press, 2005
Isabella Wesoly features in
Who's Who in Poetry 2005,
Watermark Press, 2006
Ganesh in the Garden.. 20th February 2007
There amidst the fauna. With sun before Imbolc Soothing, calming comfort. Came from the garden folk
The fei were not all sleeping. A gift of sheer dellight As glow of Ra upon the orb. Made all the garden bright
Helped by the silver structure. The Indian Mayan-like ball Made golden sun rebounding. From fence to ground to wall
Dark beside the light. Evergreen as love so true An elephant I see, you look. It's far left, there can you?
Ivy and Passionflower. The seeking tendrils led A union of peaceful energy. The picture made it said!
An elephant! in my garden? You can see it there Wondered where I got the strength. That must be surely where
Veils lifted on illusion. Cause once I said 'help! please' Offers came right, left and centre. Not even on my knees!
It makes me think of Ganesh. The elephant-cum-man Strong love and protection. The all-supporting hand
Thanks now for all peace. To flow for all to see That all we are is All in One. Let's flow in harmony
dedicated to all peaceful unions in the making, now
sun and earth unity, winter/spring 2007
The help that I was seeking did seem to come, initially.
But as time passed, I found that even though my own goals were the same
the goals of those who offered to help changed.
So, the challenge was mine to stay in a creative flow
both in work and out of it
As I read back through some of the poems, I recall the times I faced adversity,
which is where determination and perseverance helped.
Feel the vibration at your sternum, feel it at your feet rising, flowing soft but strong, the two now come to meet
An inner strength is growing now, illusions fall away See through the wall that fearful thought has made me come to pray
Always flowing, through all time Mother of ye Gods Goddesses to, this circle here came long before the Yods
Circles of time go backwards, picking up the truth This strength you feel is natural, as the blood flows to your Youth
My child you are, I love you so embracing now in space The seeds I planted long ago are there within your face
eyes to see and love the sight lips to send a kiss nostrils breathe this loving wind ears to hear my wish
bristling wind she calls me close with particles of matter the matter of form that you can mould in your constructive chatter
Talk about the inner sun, the strength that's your for free SEE YOURSELF AS A TEMPLE NOW and when you can't just call to me
As a mother nurtures her growing child I nurture you with passion Turning, turning, the wheel you ride Your thoughts you now can fashion
into this labyrinth of life we step, our mental thinking guides to a place that we may feel quite stuck, but a guardian never hides in water we find the cleansing flow, the blue and green of sea and oceans, rivers, lakes and stream Aqua Vita sets us free
Archangel Michael cut the thoughts that bring us not to quest with Archangel Raphael We come to do our best Symbolically let's take this word Dissect it into parts to bring a message that we shift that feeling stuck in our hearts: S for Shifting, we have the power T for the Time that's shifting U for Universal, we're not alone C for the Cleanse, uplifting K for the Kiss that God Source sends, eternally this hour and daily flowing, as all time now blossom as a flower
contact us telephone: 020 3255 0133 registered business name/address: MAKING MURALS (Is Harmony) 15 Windermere Road, Ealing, London W5 4TJ, England