CHIEZA Interior Design Course was developed to create opportunities for people with a genuine interest in interior design and those who are planning small scale projects at home or within local communities. An understanding of interior schemes and how they can serve design needs are integral to this programme of study. In addition to this CHIEZA leads participants to a level of service that adds vale, diversity and social capital to their lives. This is achieved via productive methods, which enthuse and invigorate the conception and execution of interior design schemes.
Course modules are delivered in the form of lectures, seminars and workshops within real-life experiences, which are devised to promote excellence. Modules can be taken in any order or quantity. Their are six modules, running over 1 or 2 days. See information section for details. All units of study are self contained, closely interrelated and delivered to satisfy both professional and leisurely requirements. A logical sequence is key to the organisation and structure of the programme, with sufficient built in flexibility to permit participants' own agenda/s,
Deilvery of the module take place within a select number of critically acclaimed London locations, each one chosen for the key design concept that they embody. In such a richly mxed environment tangible forms of conceptual thinking are permitted so that participants can relate to theoretical applications of built interiors/occupied space. Practical insights become indispensable value through the acquisition of conceptual understanding in interior design principles.
Within the interior design subject-related venues opportunities exist to instantly explore and examine the space and benefit further from the teaching strategies. The real life examples allow an experience of interior design through the traversing of actual space, ie observing how space comes alive when filled with the people who live/work in it; measuring the ceiling height when ascending stairs; and/or observing the placement of fixtures, fittings in their distinctly purposeful design. This allows an appreciation of why such spatial areas work in well executed interior design.
Upon successful completion the programme, progression to accredited interior design modules or ourses is made possible. This interior design programme highly recommended for people who intend either to take up specialist/degree courses in architectural design and/ or gain a greater understanding in interior design careers.
Eric A-Kum
Programme Director/Tutor, CHIEZA (what name do you trade as? HMRC consideration)
positive change, eg. local regeneration, community cohesion