Harmony Fayrea selection of recommended services & websites promoting harmony in life
Realationship Therapy© Kate Whorlow |
Do you wonder if you will ever find Mr/Mrs Right?
Are your relationships over before they have really begun?
Have you given up on finding true love?
If you have answered 'Yes' to any of these questions
then you need a dose of Relationship Therapy ©
Harmony Angel
aka Julie Collier
S.A.C Dip.
Crystal Practitioner
offers a warm welcome
on her website,
where the content is
Harmony Angel |
Divine Vision Board by Cougsatoshi |
Cougsatoshi's MySpace link |
* * * * * * *
Contentment in Love
Let us see, deep within
How infinite possibilities can begin
To manifest as we grow in love
Synchro-destiny, within and above
The intricate dance awakening
As we enlighten, realize
That the cosmic balance, eternally
Is there before our eyes
Dreams of life discovered
As we search into our soul
Finding the world we live in
As we all in love,
Be whole
inspired by the
Harmonic Concordance
of 2003
and an article
on co-incidence
by Deepak Chopra
© Isabella Wesoly
October 2003
* * * * *
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